
Is anyone else increasingly annoyed with games whose major mechanic is inventory management, or am I just getting old?

Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.

Thanks for the wild ride. 

“A fool and his money will be together forever, trust me, it’s in the blockchain!”

Yeah, like YouTube.

Nothing these game companies put out there as NFTs does anything for anyone that a standard database couldn’t handle far more effectively. The only reason they’re pushing for NFT is to try and create Real Money Transactions(RMT) market places in a restricted system that they can control and extract fees from.

I’ve lost count of the number of women I’ve spoken to during the pandemic who have expressed joy at no longer being randomly asked by strangers to smile. It’s astounding.

“You’re the villain because you let me do this.  I’m doing this because I need to be stopped,” is some straight up super-villain shit.  Fuck this guy.

I think they were saying “Our internal auditing let this go on for a long time - we have insufficient internal controls to catch it the same day - Hey IRS, come audit us because we can’t track money.”

Correction. American companies are not willing to pay people enough to afford American-made goods, nor are they willing to accept the smaller profit margins. We bought American for a few centuries before everyone started outsourcing to increase profits.

Fuck you. Get fucked. Fuck yourself. Fuck you.

I’m 5'4'’, why when anyone makes fun of anyone’s body for any reason it’s awful but when it’s height, which I can’t control, it’s hilarious?

But like.... this video proves you should.

Just going to jump in and answer this. I have suffered different levels of depression my entire adult life. All I can say is that I am grateful I didn’t have a friend like you respecting my autonomy and telling me my suicidal thoughts were just fine.

So all of their complaining about the civil rights protests were... projection.

“While it’s true that we all live in a capitalist hellscape, labor-added value is usually supposed to add value for… you know, the consumer.”

Thanks man. 

could get a few hundred bucks out of me alone if they’d just let me download my damn citypop mp3s

The NFT isn't the artwork it's the token pointing to the artwork. THAT'S the scam.