
I’ve seen these before, but it’s still gobsmacking how easily it goes over.

So wait some random user who didn’t work for Ubi was able to lock and pin a thread?

Sure I believe that...

HR isn’t here to listen to you, or help you in any way. They are here to keep the company image clean. So you should start by going to the cops with your lawyer then notify your employer. This way they can’t minimise or turn ablind eye, and they will cut ties with that person. As a popular comedian in my country said

But let’s be honest, most Constitution humpers know two Amendments, the first and the second.

I sooooooooooo much want to drive through that!

Definitely not available for 3rd party vendors which means it’s still anti-competitive and locked down. A softening maybe, but I agree with iFixit - there isn’t anything of much use to most people. The only benefit I see is not having to go to a “genius” bar again.

Just spread some Bible pages on top of them. Problem solved.

Someone did a good an illegal thing and doesn’t want to be credited for it?

Fundamental flaw in anything Nintendo says: Nintendo.

Haha.This is Texas: cyclists are always presumed to be in the wrong because they should have been in a truck with firearms, like all normal people.

Thank you. This is probably the most thoughtful response I’ve seen here so far, and actually makes several great points rather than just trying to score points via “drhr Facebook bad let’s light the torches lol.

The most frustrating thing about America is that you have this shadowy cabal of powerful progressive elite leftists, and they spend so much of their unlimited resources cancelling loudmouth pizza executives that they never get around to practical policy stuff like firing all the cops or burning down the suburbs.

Literally all of those things you just listed currently exist, without blockchain, and would not benefit in any possible way from blockchain.

As stupid and unnecessary-sounding as the name change is, this headline buries the lede that Oculus devices aren’t going to require a FB login after all.

Blockchain games are pioneering a number of new concepts that will invigorate the gaming industry for players and publishers alike”

Kind of crazy that this team sent this bug to Bungie months ago and only now they decided to push a fix because it became public...

God, I love how MMORPGs are this genre of game where you can just kinda go “oops, our fun game accidentally provided an excellent example of an economics problem that researchers are probably going to be busy taking notes on for a while”.

And it just happened to come from a game published by Amazon.

That’s one of the wildest parts of this grift to me. The people they worship are old money elites who actively hate their base. The only way it’s been adequately explained to me is that it’s simply more about who they hate than who they are... which is a bummer, and makes reasoning with them near impossible. 

I’d have to guess the DA will attempt to try this kid as a adult.