
They compromised Twitch’s internal SOC, which is literally the best line of defense against hackers. This smells like an internal leak.

Comparing ageism to systemic oppression of marginalized groups such as racism and sexism is a bit of a leap. Especially considering boomers are neither a) oppressed nor b) marginalized.

Fun fact - Boomers share nearly seven times as many fake news articles on Facebook than adults under 30:


My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.

Needs more HEMP

Wealthy WHITE people with connections.

Potential 2022 Republican candidate for IL congressional district 3.

My favorite part of this super weird comment is the implication that Americans never threaten to sue for frivolous/selfish reasons. The American legal system - famous for its lack of self-serving absurdity!

Gacha games are popular because they’re designed around players’ emotional investment in their characters and gambling is addictive

You’re really never punished too hard for being a F2P in Genshin except for the FOMO aspect of cool new characters, and maybe also at beating the deepest floors in Spiral Abyss. Otherwise, in many cases, the 4 star characters actually can out-perform the 5 stars.

My god, they bait me so damn hard with the JP VAs. Not ashamed to say that it was the only reason I rolled for Yoimiya. Definitely the right call to go with very well-known industry pros for the Japanese dub. 

My daughter had me download the game so that her friend could snag Aloy through our Playstation. So I tried the game out. It’s a ton of fun. Maybe the Free to Play aspects will start rearing their head, but aside from desperately wanting to grab more characters, I’ve found them to not be too harsh.

It’s something to hear your youth referred to as ancient times.

It’s something to hear your youth referred to as ancient times. I typed in many a program that came in magazines on my trusty C-64. Even made an absolutely terrible Masters of the Universe text adventure. Good times.

If they voted him out, they’d have to admit they were wrong in the first place. Their specific brand of moral cowardice is based on their absolute terror of discovering they are not right all the time. That someone else could be right, and they’d have to admit it, even a tacit admission, is the worst possible thing

Is “veteran in crisis” the new term for white guy tantrum? I’m glad he didn’t have a gun. Nice of the cops to treat him so gently.

He can be as evasive as he wants, but the second he files suit we’ll know whatever batshit theory he has behind his ban. Only question is if he’s dumb enough to continue to talk about ongoing litigation at that point (narrator: he is).

Fake Vaccine Cards? Probably a hundred bucks or more.