
One more time: You would think after ALL of the incidents of the past year that these bitches would learn, but no. Whiteness never sleeps, takes a vacation or thinks about anything other than their own needs. Hey Richard Cooper THIS IS WHY THE BITCH THAT CALLED THE POLICE ON YOU DIDN’T SUFFER ENOUGH!!!! These soulless

Console TV’s died off in the 80’s. You really couldn’t make a flat screen one now because the vertical viewing angles of them are a lot narrower than the CRT’s of old and screens in console TV’s were only a few inches off the ground. Now TV’s are set up at eye height.

Gotta love the city making sure people stay homeless by making sure they have nothing to establish themselves because all their stuff gets trashed every couple months! Those damned hipsters and needing to have things to live in the world!

Let’s just get this out of the way. You’re an asshole.

You nailed ‘em.  If only they didn’t have a $10 French press, they’d be able to afford the tens of thousands of dollars per year it costs to pay for housing.  Oh, and can’t think of any reason, besides being a “hipster” why a person without a home might have a French press instead of, like, a fucking Keurig.

What? Unhappy is seven letters, not five!
-me reading the first paragraph, realizing why I don’t do crossword puzzles

The first two have valid arguments to them.

Wild theory, but hear me out:

Béla Károlyi deseved a conviction and prison for child endangerment for allowing Kerri Strug to vault with an injured ankle. Comparing Ms. Biles to Ms. Strug’s experiences is useful only as an example of how athletes’ health issues should be handled vs. how they have been and often are mishandled.

Probably an unpopular opinion, but IMO the fact that this is even possible is incredibly stupid... Like the fact that shooting from the hip with a sniper rifle is at all accurate, and isn’t random as hell is stupid, and flawed.

I’m still not sure who this thing is for. Like, what’s the audience for a low end hand-held game-only computer? You can get a gaming laptop that does everything it does better, and everything else a computer does, for not much more money...

They at least qualify as crew members. A more apt comparison might be between sailors versus passengers. You don’t get to be a sailor just riding on a cruise ship, you don’t get to be an astronaut just hanging around for the ride into near space.

Sort of a motorized anti-vaxer. While I strongly agree with Arthur Schopenhauer, regarding suicide, that

After attempting to murder her kid, the state should probably take the kid too...

The 4th amendment says:

I went from not paying attention to this thing at all to reserving one in a single morning.

Listen, Bob - if the gay people in your life haven’t stopped you from leaving the house looking like a boxcar hobo who collapsed on a Walgreen’s 4th of July display, then they’re definitely not your friends.

I’m a family of one (not including cats) and one of those people who would vastly prefer a single/extended cab to a 4 door.... but at this price point I’d say fuck it and get this.


While not totally decipherable and which could lead to false interpretation, but it appears the lynx is complaining to itself what it appears to be as follows, “Man o’ man, gotta watch a stupid 30 second commercial to hear a friggin 90 second video of growling.”