

One of those situations when you don’t know what to do, so you keep on driving at 2mph and see if cops show any reaction.

That fire is burning up one of the jewels of the PNW and it was started by some ass hole teenager throwing fireworks into the woods. It’s very disappointing.


Did he say “It’s part of my heritage” while doing it?

At what point did black folks practice the kidnapping and enslavement of an entire race for hundreds of years, build their entire culture on the backs of those slaves, and then refuse to give them equal rights or representation even hundreds of years later?

Nowadays, the opposite is true. You want to learn stick, but nobody in your life has one.

It’s almost like it’s Rated M!

You’re wrong.

*Waiting for the white tears to flow from twitter*

You should try harder to make it less obvious when you don’t read past the first sentence.

I agree with you on WWII. I think I look down on IW because it seems like Advanced Warfare Part 3 to me (Black Ops 3 seeming like AW Part 2). After Black Ops 2, I wonder if my expectations are too high?

It just wouldn’t be a gizmodo post without someone here whining that they didn’t want to click on the article, would it?

Wait... we’re really wondering why someone who was sentenced to 5 years for stealing $120 would be afraid of standing trial for armed robbery?

Maybe it’s a cry for help. They are hopelessly addicted and are trying to spare others the same fate.

The are figuratively burning money. Literally burning diesel.

I’d be shocked if he DIDN’T walk.

Well, you gotta make sure. You wouldn’t want an embarrassing repeat of what happened to Woshige at EVO.

“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”