
If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism, they would not be actively trying to destroy Kotaku — a site that refuses press junkets, regularly pisses off game publishers through aggressive journalism, and is just about as transparent as any gaming site can be — they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive

It’s only a matter of time, though. The computers are winning games with 4 stone handicaps pretty frequently when they get the opportunity to play pros now; still a reasonably big gap, but far better than the “lol computers” days of only 5-10 years ago, and enough to beat all but the best amateur players in an even

I love that it doesn’t look stupidly flashy and “gamery”. Seems a bit unnecessary but I’m sure some people will get good use out of it. This is still my favourite PC case;

Firstly, Gintama’ also began in 2012. Secondly, I don’t think that anyone differentiates between Gintama’ and the second season of Gintama’. It’s really just a extension of the show with a 6 month gap between seasons.

Very classy of him to offer a full paid trip to another tournament for another shot. It sucks that this mishap happened and I feel Kazunoko’s pain (I have been in this situation before). I am pretty sure Kazunoko will accept the offer and end up doing well at the next tournament.

The low frame rate makes it look like he’s having trouble staying still!

They channel their wishful-thinking hallucinations into seeing Jesus in their burnt toast.

the researchers created the map by pulling information from over 61,000 reports, whittling it down to nearly 39,000

I'm married to a cop. The gas station one? I did a ride-along with her, and this exactly what happened. She pulled to the shoulder and said, "We're going to pull someone over." I say "Who?" thinking she has spotted someone. "I don't know yet, but I will." A few seconds pass, and she said, "Watch the gas station. If

You know, in real life he’s probably not that fast, so it’d just be a matter of kiting him and slowly wearing him down.

I feel so bad for this guy. He's completely right to hop off Twitter. He's another victim of this "grow a thicker skin" horseshit that I've seen perpetuate the internet since before tweens discovered 4chan.

Most of them involve some sort of frustrating technical issues. Plenty of those!

I was amused by this and if I had seen it when I was seven, I would have laughed and appreciated that they at least named real dinosaurs.

glad you enjoyed my story. Probably my favourite from the 5 years at EB. Think I'll send them the one about the script reading. We had some good days there. Btw to the rest of the replied stories. Very fun reads thanks!!

Craka plz.

Shimakaze reporting in.

Old, old story in a similar vein. When I was a teenager in the '80s, my family had an old TI-994a computer. For reference, it ran about 4mhz, maybe. We also went to a local computer users group monthly to talk to other TI owners, get new software, etc.

I've worked in tech support. I've seen CDs stuck in the edge between the metal frame and the plastic outer casing. I've seen a 3.5" floppy disc set in a CD tray and somehow forced closed (and that user was very concerned about "getting back their data" from the mangled disk after, which we somehow did manage to do!).

My older brother's buddy was an idiot. When I was gone, and the buddy was over, he decided he wanted to play one of my PC games. So he grabbed my copy of X-Wing Collector's CD, bypassed the CD-ROM drive, and shoved it into the 5 1/4 floppy drive, scratching the CD in the process. When it didn't play, he "did me a