
What are you, a twelve year old in junior high?

You call Tuesday "Thursday" in Alaska?

Some people really have no memory of what PS2 games actually looked like.

except, you just said reddit. Validity goes down the toilet.


I'd have a hard time keeping that situation civil.

It would probably sound more like *CRACK CRACK* as massive capacitors discharged to release the energy for each pulse.

Saying you're friendly in general carries no weight, with out without a gun. If you have a gun and say "I'm friendly" You're probably a bandit trying to trick the other player into dropping their guard.

Without a weapon, you could be waiting till you find a weapon,a nd then kill them. Its apart of why DayZ has gone

We actually had 15 or 16 candidates for this list, but having recently re-read Fledgling, I feel very comfortable having Butler on this list.

So if a sandwich is 1/3 of your meals and 1/5 of your daily sodium intake?

I'm sure anyone would be able to relate to Japanese Miku songs like Letter Song, Souvenir, Heaven, 8/31, Time Machine or even Ai Kotoba if they wanted something cute.

Is that really "so many"??

You want me to sit through almost two hours of Southpark: Stick of Truth to understand the joke...


More like they're fixing the obvious problems with each. As someone who has now played successfully in PVP with every weapon type, I totally approve the changes they're making. Scout rifles didn't take people and mid-far range down fast enough. Auto Rifles shouldn't be the go-to primary for anything other than control

Alternative headline: Thousands of People Apparently Ignore Rocks On Earth - Amazed to Find Similar Looking Rock on Mars.

Hmmmmm 2 billion dollars or keeping the moral high ground? What a "difficult" decision.

I think the irony here is that Notch made some disparaging remarks about Oculus being purchased by FaceBook, accusing them of essentially being sellouts. But then only a few months later Notch sell MC to Microsoft.

We get comments like this all the time. When you got shots like that, did you enjoy them? There are lots of people that have never played the game, and even more that have maybe never seen it. Either way, part of what makes the clip enjoyable is the player's reaction. If we limited the show to only things that have