
Congratulations, Japan, you have out-America'd America.

Actually the USSR did and flew it into space and returned it to Earth safely once by remote control. It was almost a exact copy of the US Shuttle.

Now playing

I hope the music video for this has mimes and break dancers.

Question: Do you like grinding for items? Because that's what the series is all about. D3 has an ok story, but you burn through the main story soon enough, after which it's all about Adventure Mode and grinding bounties and rifts.

RoS was the best thing to happen to the Diablo series, I don't know how I played endgame before without Adventure Mode.

I have been so on the fence about buying Diablo III for PS4 it's driving me crazy! Should I pull the trigger? I have never played the series before, any suggestions or advice is welcome.

I guess all sorts of folks have all sorts of opinions. As I see it:
Enslaved is a wonderfully creative, if slightly flawed, action game that was mostly overlooked. Heavenly Sword was a bland, limited launch title that due to being so was overexposed and (by some ardent Sony diehards) overrated.
But given Enslaved's

just to be safe, this is a joke right? you know Bic Camera is a massive electronic department store in japan... right?

Good thing no one asked you.

I have a beard. I would normally like to see that beard reflected in my character.

The ME3 multiplayer team was a different department, working in a different city, than the team working on the main game. In fact the multiplayer team kept creating new multiplayer content for a year after the last single player DLC came out.

They designed the wheels for everything they anticipated. They just didn't anticipate pointy immobile rocks, nor did they have any reason to.

The wheels are enormous. JPL has models of the wheels that they bring to schools for public education. I got to hug one once when they came to my daughter's school.

I know it's only tangential to your point, but man, I hate that every article about the garbage patch shows actual rubbish floating in the water. I work in STEM-based curricula, and I've had to explain more than once that no, there isn't a giant island of trash floating in the Pacific.

/end-argument means you are ending "end-argument, " not ending the argument. So unless your initial argument was set to be represented by the string "end-argument", it's redundant and basically a double negative .

Look at Kratos connection at the end of The Last of Us clip... I hope that had nothing to do with his spree.

It is. So is Sazae-san. But saying Doraemon got you into anime is kinda like saying Mickey Mouse got you into cartoons. Ya know?

And like that, Lady Gaga trolls Japan and Korea and shows how stupid the whole thing is.

there's something relieving about a studio that doesn't take itself too seriously.