
Good point.

I don't understand why comment sections continue to exist.

...Have you tried Twitter? Or Tumblr? Those are pretty major websites.

Now playing

Alternatively, here's a someone who's actually good at the game doing it with one hand:

It's not just the parry. It's the way he maintains the space between himself and Chun Li. He's baiting Wong. He wants him to come at him with that super. He knows he can parry it, and he knows it's probably his best chance to win. This isn't something that he pulled off in the heat of the moment. This was Daigo

Much obliged. Not sure why my brain wouldn't reconcile the "While..." at the beginning of the sentence but thanks for the assist.

Solution: Become Shadowrun 2007 shooter remake, where they made that an element of the game.

tl:dr idc XD

My one pet peeve; getting cold / wet is not how you get sick. I know that this myth is even much more popular in Japan, but we know how colds work now. You need to be infected by someone with a virus or bacterium. I am always bumped by this. It is like seeing that Lucy preview where they talk about humans using 10% of

Uh... if there is 100,000 stray dogs and cats in Turkey, then those mice and rats don't stand a chance.

This was totally my first thought too! I learned my friend was red-green colourblind for the first time, and all I did was quote this video. He hadn't seen it, and thought I was the biggest asshat on the planet, but it was totally worth it.

How does it sit? Pretty cunning, don't you think?

The Echolocation line slayed me. This is eerily similar to real-life conversations I've had.

Disappointed that his horse does not have handlebars and tailpipes. I mean, how else is he supposed to properly "put his gunz on" without them?

thats not a slime girl, thats a girl covered in slime.. theres a difference people and not knowing the difference could mean life and death.

Why does my girl friend close her eyes and scream out other men's names when we make love?

Why does Peter Griffin touch himself at night?

Why do people on the Internet use meme quotes and images?