
Nothing these game companies put out there as NFTs does anything for anyone that a standard database couldn’t handle far more effectively. The only reason they’re pushing for NFT is to try and create Real Money Transactions(RMT) market places in a restricted system that they can control and extract fees from.


I definitely think anyone that talks about putting real item ownership deeds on blockchain are either dreaming or deluded on what it brings. There is no functional benefit to that. Real goods have no reason to be on blockchain.

All the pump-and-dump scammers got their money, everyone else still playing the NFT game are Johnny-come-lates that think they still have a chance to juke somebody out of their money, or marks that would have gotten scammed some other way if not for NFTs.

He might be saying he ‘wants to get caught’ so that the ‘exploit gets fixed’, but fucking up people’s games is not how to do that. Just because you say you have noble purpose doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole.

Mmm. Yet another Russian troll farm account. иди в жопу.

Re: Actual Fighter Jet Footage

Ever fired up Diablo 3 and thought, “Wow, wouldn’t this be fun if the story was lame, the graphics were more like one of the rushed ‘HD’ remasters of a PSX game and a bunch of children were running around trying to ruin your experience?

I know this is a severely unpopular opinion, and I will certainly get immense shit for this, but this is another instance where I feel it’s necessary to speak up for an under represented minority.

Except that GPUs aren’t being used for bitcoin anyway, so this won’t have any impact on GPU consumption for cryptomining, unless they’re going to integrate an extremely high speed memory subsystem as a package deal, since the GPU-based algorithms are designed to bottleneck on bus speed not hash processing rate.

For some reason, some of the Japanese distributors still region lock their trailers, despite the fact that they have international distribution agreements.

Police in a Pod.

Literally just had this conversation during a team work meeting. Co-worker that knew I did hobby level mining (2 gaming GPUs during off hours) ribbed me about the drops. Explained that I didn’t ‘lose’ anything since I’d never convert real money into crypto.

My keyboard isn’t anywhere near fancy enough to have keycaps

Consumers were upset by the idea of microtransactions because it was bad for consumers. We’re upset with this NFT garbage because it’s just stupid. 

My point would be that you don’t appear to understand competitive CoD or Football.  But hey, if getting upset about people getting upset makes you happy, go for it.  LOL

Or, here’s another take.

Got you covered.


I’m still looking for someone to provide an example of the exact and explicit how and why blockchain would be used in a game.