
Taking the red car’s driver’s actions following the pass/mirror flick, I can still see the “didn’t see them” argument as a possibility, but the kind of person that chases someone down and tries to start shit in the middle of the road like that is not really going to get the benefit of the doubt from me.

Now playing

Looks like might be a different angle on the same collapse.

I suppose you could also be a whiny bitch and not just enjoy a good game.

So you don’t understand what I write and insult me, and then you don’t take a hint and fuck off, but also play rubber-glue? Fuck, I hate kids like you.

And you’re a dumb bitch that’s a prime example of reading fail and over representation in vocal gamers these days. Fuck off and shut up.

Just wanted to throw in that I’m with you. I’m a heavy/dedicated Sony console player but I’ve always preferred Xbox controller designs (except for the Duke, that thing was too big for my Trump-hands).

I had the briefest “X-Wing Pilot” flash before I got really excited when I recognized the nose section of the SR-71.

More like, I’m disappointed that they couldn’t at least change the art style for the health and mana bars, the names for items, or pretty much anything else.

Cool as this sounds, the level and degree to which they’ve modeled on Dark/Demon Souls, down to UI components and Victory titleplates, makes wonder if this was just an experiment to see how much they could fringe on Copyright or IP before they got in trouble.

The ethical basis for why normally adjusted humans find dog-killing abhorrent but can accept the human killing has two main components:

Hitscan and raycasting are interchangeable for the most part, but on a technical level, hitscan is the function-call, raycast is the proc method. A hitscan function uses raycasting to evaluate hit/miss.

I starred you only so that I can come back to this post in 10 years and point and laugh at how incredibly wrong you are.

How much did Ubisoft pay you to post that? Anti-shill is still still.

Shipping for regular edition game looks to be in the 1400円 range. Not too bad, though I find that Amazon Global Direct is kind of weird in how the shipment ends up in-country. It’s pretty comparable to EMS in general though.

If modern defense development and procurement is any indication, it’s:
* Stealthy
* Severely over-budget
* Role-overloaded without specialization
* Has a limited procurement allotment
* Is planned to replace ALL MQ-1s with 1/10th the numbers
* Will have its procurement cut in half by the time it’s public
* Will have everyone

I’ll be playing some Black Ops III with my brother to celebrate the first time we were able to play the latest DLC without buying/switching to Xboxes in a long time!

Keep memeing son.

One of the reason’s why Go has proven to be an interesting/difficult AI engine is that you can’t brute force it. There are too many options due to the board layout for a flat out B-tree logic selection. Deep Go knowledge is required to play at even the strong amateur level.

Playing BlOpIII last night with my brother, hit a lobby where the only guy positive on the other team went like 29-3. We still won, but we were clueless what happened cause we never saw the guy once.

I’m curious about the series of small pyrotechnics that go off in series as the rocket is leaving the tube. Is that separation of some sort of supporting structures attached to stabilize it in the tube?