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This came up when the video went viral with everyone screaming “OMG Mah Taxpayer Monies” and similar.

Casey’s usage is accurate. When referring to the Earth’s natural satellite, “the Moon”, ie, use of the word moon with a definitive article in a context that does not provide any anaphoric indicators that would contextually indicate a different body, is the proper usage to refer to our moon.

You sound very edgy as well. Good work. You guys are true internet warriors. I really love how you take an effort to find a video alternative to missing content and turn it into a complaint/issue.

That’s a very edgy thing for you to point out.

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Found another potential youtube account termination candidate:

Don’t stress the ‘edge’ stuff. It’s the new ‘hipster’ insult for anyone with an opinion you disagree with or find contrary to the popular opinion shared by you and your friends.

Which would be easier, dismantling a docking adapter for an entire module to do cable repair, or a space walk and laying out a new cable?

Hell, the 360 version of Black Ops 3 kind of looks worse than Black Ops 2.

As noted by others, combining the precision damage with the speed that you can unload the clip, it’s potentially got a higher damage output than a rocket launcher for quick burn.

Right, that’s exactly what the Creative thing is about and why they’re doing the Bob Ross marathon to promote it.

Yep. Section 11:

Yeah, twitch has a ToU requirement that content be video game related.

Small reminder. Many people are dying, every minute of every day. While their small individual tragedies are very real, should we, as separate and unrelated individuals, carry the full weight of all of these tragedies with us every single moment of our lives?

No, it wasn’t that they were in the blind about it completely, they just hadn’t actually committed to the project. On their end it was a “we’d like to see more before we make a decision,” but there seemed to be some misrepresentation by the in-between regarding intentions and commitment because after I think like 3

A friend of mine was with Buzz Monkey during this project and from what I remember it was canned because the licensors withdrew. It was kind of a mess and turned out that Matt and Trey hadn’t even approved the project even though the studio that contacted BM had them get started while they “worked it the details.”

In terms of the storyline P4D does come after the Arena games’ stories, but it didn’t really look like they were explicitly necessary to understand the plot. There are some nuances behind the character development that you’ll miss, but nothing major (except that the P4D protagonist’s canon name is Yu Narukami and he

Based on that quick look at the tower I’d guess this is CVN-69. Looking at this aerial image of the landing deck and looking at the video... I think he caught the 3rd wire.

Your comment was the internet post equivalent of an old lady driving 20mph in the fast lane and wagging their finger at people passing on the right like THEY doing something wrong.

Poor control design, confused mechanics in terms of line of sight/cover in a 1st vs. 3rd person point of view. Awful story telling.

I would have been pissed at Kojima too if he was spending my money making this crappy of a game.