Now playing

NIS followed up the release lack week with another read-along promotion movie posted last night. I threw some subtitles for anyone still curious about the game or interested in the "backstory" this episode provides.

Totally a context based thing. I've been playing through Gatsuei Gakuen for the last hour or so, took a break and saw this article and immediately read that as die. I actually had to read the rest of the card before I even realized what he was trying to say. "... 輝く... OOOoo".

Hot wire.

I got a "sad private home defense robot" vibe from his 'helmet' and 自宅隊 poncho. Definitely some giggles either way.

I gotcha, I wasn't aware of the complete on-board situation so I wasn't processing your statement in context, only as a direct relation of "Alex and Flare". Limited scope.

I'm not sure I see how a flare would affect the target of the Alexstrasza battecry. There's no secret involved there.

Right, basically it can be enabled for previous titles, but they just have to have their binaries recompiled against the updated libraries that allow for disabling the Kinect GPU reservation/functionality wrappers.

I'll break down the answer to your question of "why just disabling/disconnecting kinect does not provide an immediate speed bonus," in a technical, non-condescending manner.

Completely in agreement with how his voice comes across in the game. I am reminded though about how Ellen McLain talked about how she was directed to deliver her lines for GladOS and how it very well could be that Dinklage was specifically directed to deliver the lines like that (whether due to filtering or because

Blatant and outright ignorant reporting of scientific research.

(For a good laugh, whenever Aiden ends a sentence or a conversation in the game, imagine him saying "I'm Batman.")

Nice! Mine was Dragonsong. Forced to "pick a book" in 7th grade during a session in the library, I grabbed it at random.

Wild. Is the cartridge off-center for aiming or was this just kind of a spray-and-pray setup?

I'm curious about your claim regarding Japan having the capability to "level Pyongyang with its destroyer fleet alone."

... something seems wrong right here...

Sir (or Ma'am), I envy your life that that figure surprises you in that way. Unfortunately, there is an undercurrent in American culture that expressly views science and scientific accomplishments in a negative light and pushes strongly for denial and dismissal, often without regard for whether the event even

Yeah I remember that part of the game. Stupid dogs.

2013 Tagline: "Games can continue to evolve"

One off event. The debris orbit and ours does not normally intersect. There will be more meteor shows next year, but this is a once (or maybe twice) in a lifetime event for this particular debris field.

Thanks for the explanation. I was assuming the historical context was a key part of what would allow the movies mentioned to be okay.