
That's actually a very good question and I have some theories based on my reading of the relevant law (Strafgesetzbuch section 86) but I could not find anything specific or very clear on why a film would be okay while a game like Wolfenstein would not be.

I dunno, seems like a reasonable move. Those laws regarding the display of NAZI related symbology have been on the books a long time and for good reason. The fact that they were able to so easily make the necessary modifications to the game would indicate that they anticipated and targeted Germany as a release zone

Has to do with a combination of native vocabulary and appearance/cool factors.

The mic quality definitely contributes as the default shipped mic that comes with the PS4 console/controller set is horrible, but the PS4 voice network codec sucks bad. I have a pair of A40s and my voice sounds decent enough on PS4 as well, but holy crap, it's so perfect, pure, and clean on Xbox Live. It's insane.

I am a Ghosts player. I'll admit it's not the best CoD ever, but it's current and does look fantastic on the PS4.

Seriously. This. This was the Wolfenstein I grew up with. To me, that 1992 FPS Wolfenstein was the "remake". AIIIEEEEEEEEE!

When trying to complain about grammar and writing, try to be correct. Most individuals will pronounce FPS by saying the individual letters, "Eff Pee Ess" — Note that the 'F' when pronounced as the letter begins with a vowel sound.

The problem with differentiation of "a" vs. "an" in English is that they are actually both the same word/syntactic component: /a/

That's actually one of the main reasons why a lot of the browser based Japanese games you hear about are all IP restricted to Japan. It's the whitelist vs. blacklist approach, but it seems to work.

No, we know you're not any idiot, everyone types and submits really quick at times. You want to talk Dessert, imagine the pie I had on my face in a post I made regarding astronomical physics where I refered to "Astrology".

You obviously didn't listen to the talk since they explain why they made all those kind of decisions, and explain the mentality behind that specific decision beginning around the 36:45 point.

I think Finn said it best when he said "君は本当に特別だ。"

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What's your flavor of music? The true appeal to Vocaloid as an instrument is that the vast majority of all music created using a Vocaloid singer is the work of amateur hobby creators. Hatsune Miku, and all the other digital voice providers, are just that, a vocal synthesizer that any hobby music creator can use to

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Pressure differential. Tank was probably full of a heated liquid that has turned to gas and then was closed up to set the ambient pressure in the chamber. At the end you can see the water they were spraying on it from the left to cool it down. As it cools down on the inside, the pressure decreases, eventually

Private planes. Plus, that's too high for other objects if there planes in the sky, even at cruising altitude.

You know, that's the funny part cause that's where it starts, and then if you really keep at it, the next thing you know your putting subtitles up on YouTube, translating interviews related upcoming games, and getting starting on translating some light novels that aren't out yet in the West.

I'm actually kind of surprised that they were able to get 1km ceiling clearance on the Texas range. They have a number of air lanes nearby the would normally limit that kind of clearance.

To be fair, Ar Tonelico also features 2 1/2 ~ 3 completely made up languages as well. At least they are consistent.

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Considering your statement regarding English + Vocaloids, I'd be curious for your comment on the following song, a track created using an actual English Vocaloid in a collab between a Japanese composer and an English tuner.

For the case I just used poplar molding boards for the sides, 1/2" MDF for the top-deck and lexan for the top cover (and also a lexan panel on the bottom, mostly out of laziness but it's kind of cool too).