
I'm definitely loving this game, and I'm not as miffed about all the classic tunes that got included too (though I never played PDF on the PSP so they're effectively new for me).

I imported the original release of Demon Gaze. It was fun enough considering what it is; Which is to say, it's a basic Dungeon Crawler with lots of static art, text based combat, and other throwback RPG elements. It's definitely not a tier 1 gaming experience, but if you happen to like Dungeon Crawlers, it would be

Now playing

Thanks for the translation Toshi. I put a translation up on Monday, but I still feel really weak in my Japanese so it was fun to see a reference, check my homework basically. I totally didn't catch that the し in the end 回るし was 死. I had assumed that it was supposed to mean like 回る士, so I translated it as "the ruin,

Expanding on Micah's explanation, he had begun to count the clicks of the second hand out of boredom, but mapped that it was 25 clicks per quadrant of the clock face (the clicks were not mapped to seconds but some other internal component of the clock).

"Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me! Believe in the me that believes in you!"

Thank you sir, excellent idea. That shall now be replacing our old office stand-by of changing the wallpaper of unlocked computers to David Hasselhoff.

Try going to Arizona and calling a dust storm a "haboob" to experience the equivalent of racist Koreans reacting to Japanese.

Summary of what follows: Vita is the best version for most people.

It's not a gimmick though. The way you use the table is you're supposed to have two sets of tiles. You drop one set in and have it shuffled (beep indicates when the shuffle is done). You'll also notice how he initiates the deal by pressing the center panel and having it lift up? That's when you drop in the set

Your confusion is probably coming from thinking that Mahjong is that solitaire type game that most Westerners have seen. Mahjong is actually a 4 player game that is (in an extremely loose and inaccurate sense) like Gin-Rummy. Tiles are randomized and you try to build a hand containing matches (sets or runs).

As much as I have been a fan of Demon Souls and Dark Soul, playing both games for many hours, I'm just really sick and tired of how ugly the game looks.

Ayesha was a fairly enjoyable game, in my opinion, though I played the Japanese version and suspect that a large part of my perceived charm of the game may have come from Marina Inoue, Kana Ueda, Asami Seto, and Joji Nakata's performances in the game rather than the actual mechanics. My first Atelier experiences were

Not really an Ad hominem, you want to look up what that means. I was simply pointing out that you mistook the meaning of IMHO.

Aside from the benefit of a nice, smooth, uniform surface for your mouse, it also provides protection for, and from, the table/desk/counter/whatever your using as your workspace.

I thought the same as you for a long time, and then I picked up a Steel Series gaming pad and I'll never go back to regular cloth pads ever again.

Spoiler: they literally used the exact same rigging they used in BTF2. And why did they do it? Because it was funny.

I curse in my second language Japanese rather than first language English for the exact reasons noted in this study, though I am a linguist and intentionally made that decision so I don't really count in terms of relation to the study's findings.

Considering your view point expressed here, I would highly recommend you investigate "Linguistic Relativism" if you have any further interest in language.

I see, you dislike the use of accurate language to discuss topics in context.

Are you mad because I can justify and accept why that terminology might be used? Or are you mad because I personally don't like implications of the terminology being used?