
That's why he was signed out of PSN/in offline mode for it. He removed the patches and was playing the version with the warp bug.

So let me see if I got this score card of recent social connectivity plights right:

Moving the goal posts.

If an alien civilization was capable of space travel and located inside our solar system we would have easily detected, observed, and made radio contact at this point. There are no space faring civilizations in our solar system.

The hypothetical suggestion that magical powers allow advanced civilizations such leisure still doesn't account for why any number of other explanations that for those lights should be rejected for the argument that they are a UFO of extra-terrestrial origin.

Considering the video source, the linked article regarding the video, and the writing of the article here, I would also suggest that your statement regarding who suggested aliens first is also an invalid conclusion.

Or, you know, video editing, with the same camera being used and just recording similar sections of the sky during the evening. You'll notice as well that the sky is lighter from one angle suggesting that they started recording earlier in the evening just after twilight before moving to the new location to film the

One of my cousins is a screen writer and has done work for some big ones. He seems to think it's quite a fun gig cause you can get kind of wacky.

So far the music is not really turning my head or anything and the dialogue is pretty bland, generic, overacted robot/mecha anime.

To explain the video a little more, the magic happens at the end there — the experiment was to see how/if a ground hunting spider would adjust to micro-gravity and if it did adjust, what its hunting behaviors would look like.

The manga is crap, the novels are pretty good though and the anime is enjoyable. The manga is just so ... bland.

Now playing

For three years I've been trying to find something to change to from the Flower Dynamic theme and can't find anything yet. The Flower theme is so perfect, I don't understand why they didn't just make it the default for the console.

Your linked image mis-uses the word "theory" by trying to imply it is not tested and established.

Head shot basically, as other responder mentioned.

As Ser Osis said, jumping spiders are not web hunters, they will usually lay a single filament line behind them as an anchor point when performing jumps in case they miss, stuff like that.

From a linguistic perspective the world "girl" is becoming separated from its age characteristic and becoming a general word to refer to any female regardless of age.

I spent a while in Tsuyama (actually the Mimasaka and Nagi areas) of Okayama-ken. My friend who I was visiting probably the only non-Japanese person in the region. There were a few other foreigners around Tsuyama but it was always a surprise to see one. It even got a bit disturbing after a full day out and about to

I totally get what you're talking about! I mean really. Which ones, the weekly sets that Brian posted or the Softbank commercials?

At first I was like "Dang, I'd heard that Madoka was kind of a dark series, but a PORNO?!"