
Everyone saying it's not worth getting a Vita is wrong. P4G was the game that made me fall in love with my Vita (and yes, I have played it on the PS2).

Now playing

Thanks to this article I've spent the last 2 hours watching Softbank commercials. Otousan rules.

Unfortunately the real trigger for fusion in the core of a star comes from the mass of the start creating enough gravitational pressure that it gets hot enough to start the reaction.

I am a from-launch Vita owner, and have easily put over 300 hours of play-time on it since.

Who is the girl's VA? I swear it almost sounds like Miyuki Sawashiro but I'm not certain. Maybe Aya Endo? Aurgh it's gonna drive me crazy, but I'm certain that it's a big name, she sounds way too familiar.

Hug pillow = Body Pillow with cover featuring the image of a girl, usually anime.

I was researching this today as I began looking to add Eva to my collection and rewatch all of this properly rather than borrowing a friends nasty old VHS tapes years and years and years ago.

Same boat. I'm good on conversational, and I follow Asuka and Mari's dialogue here, but I'm not up on my technical words (何々完了。何々確認。何々開放。). I'm thinking that'll be pretty rough with Eva but I might have to import anyways.

It's pretty big on the gas giant scale really. Looking at the Kepler planetary candidates data I found the following.

Vita has it's own playback resolution so there's no format issues there. Also if you're ordering physical media then there is no region lock issues.

Most likely. I wish the AKC would update it's breed standard to make uncropped and undocked dobermans more acceptable.

That is a falsehood. There is nothing functionally that requires a doberman have either it's tail docked or it's ears cropped.

Or, you know, it simply could be the result of an ever increasing amount of science that supports, demonstrates, and clarifies global climate change and the impact it is currently having on the planet.

That has not been my experience unfortunately. The only benefit I've found over XBL is that a smaller (slightly) number of people have mics. But the ones that do, dear lord.

Cisco relinquished so Apple does now in fact have the iPhone trademark registered to them.

You seriously underestimate the extremes to which stupidity can go.

How approachable is the game for people with mid-level Japanese understanding? I was considering importing (console + game) but after Toki/Towa I'm a little weary of imports now.

During star formation gasses and other materials that are being drawn in by the star's gravity will actually emit some levels of energy (some visible light though mostly xray through infrared).