
The frame rate itself isn't that bad but the loops are really short. It's kind of annoying but you get used to it after a little bit.

I thought this was funny cause that's what I thought when I started playing DX:HR. "Totally dudebro."

Co-worker of mine was telling me that Dishonored was pretty good and I was starting to think about checking it out. Then he said it was kind of like Deus-Ex and ... and I stopped listening really, yawned, and went back to fawning over Bravely Default.

Same. James is the guy I wish was in the series from Day 1. I mean, imagine having James Vega with you from the get-go instead of Kaiden. Win, all the way.

Now playing

As far as fighting game news goes, the only thing I'm really interested in hearing is that Ecole/French-Bread are doing a console port of Under Night:In-Birth.

Now playing

Because at the heart of it, the Miku "image" that you're identifying isn't the core of what Miku is. What Miku really is is a vocal instrument that independent music producers can use to create vocal tracks for their compositions without having to go through the effort of finding an artist to sing their songs.

Now playing

For the whiners. Handsome Jack says bad guys but he means you. Moral of the story? ... yeah.

I run pretty minimally so I see my wall paper quite a bit. Never anything full screen so I can always see a little. Because of that I like to keep it low-key, relatively uniform, but classy.

If you've already played Persona 4 and you aren't really excited about replaying it, then you'll probably want to give this a pass.

Multiple steps. The trick in dog training is to teach small incremental steps very meticulously.

While I'm one of the few that will admit that they like listening to Skrillex, that GIF _NEVER_ fails to make me laugh.

For this to make sense you need to know what an "Orbit" actually is.

Can you provide some citation for primary sources supporting that "the majority" of McCarthy's accused communist sympathizers were "security risks" or "active spies".

Re-entry heat is due to friction of the atmosphere but remember that space craft have a very large tangential velocity compared to the Earth, so there's a lot more energy shed to resistance.

OMG! Now I realize why I thought Tiny Tina sounded so familiar (in a really weird way). That makes sense that Ash is the VA now. So very very much sense.

Relative speeds and mass are the issues when it comes to space junk.

Uninteresting question based on the premise that if there is no way to detect that "reality" is a simulation, then it is a complete simulation and equivalent to "reality" so the result is that even if you could determine if it was or was not a simulation it wouldn't make a difference since it would still be "reality."

I have a dog that enjoys chewing up paper product type items. The box and the smaller black paper piece are DEFINITELY dog chewed. The shreds and edges match the many many books I have lost over the years.

The story of the development for DOA5 is actually a really impressive story.