
To clarify the previous post, the reason why the images being provided so far are not blowing your noodle in regards to high def color BLAMMO attributes is because what you've seen so far can be classified as one of the following:

I've seen plenty of "The Vita is a Failure" articles over the last few months.

You're right, my bad, didn't realize that msl_101 was a spaceflight101 account. Embarrassed.

"lens cap" is a poor choice of words.

Tager's Overdrive forces magnetism on the opponent. So basically it's a free magnetize for the duration of Overdrive. I hate playing against Tager.

BlazBlue is the fighting game where I learned what fighting games really were. I played Street Fighter, Tekken, Virtua Fighter (originals) and all those when I was young and either didn't really understand the mechanics or they weren't really implemented, and I ignored the genre for a very long time.

To be fair, that's Noel after being forged into a weapon of [sexual] destruction by the cauldron. It appears that after Ragna talked her down she also decided to put some more clothes on.

@MSL_101 confirmed as real and reposted themselves.

Relax man, you're too tents.

Conan just summed up why I did not make it past character creation in this game.

Nothing in my post suggested rank matters. Re-read for meaning again. I only suggested he's getting into bad lobbies if they are kicking him.

Nothing in my post suggested rank matters. Re-read for meaning again. I only suggested he's getting into bad lobbies if they are kicking him.

Fun, level up game play, optimizing your gear box purchases (char card for lvl20s bugs me).

Good call in getting out of multiplayer now. I'm N7 1300+ at this point and I can't stop playing. I know that I avoid 100s when doing anything Gold or above, but that's just frankly because you aren't gonna have the gear to survive/contribute.

The worst part about that problem with the recently synced controller is that you know majority of offenders probably didn't even mean to cause problems. Imagine the big fight on the screen and the home window comes up, kind of toggles around a bit, and nobody knows who it is. Some controller in a bag gets toggled

As I mentioned in a different reply, I'm not saying it's all this fault, but what he should have done was verify before the tournament whether the "no-wireless" rule for the tournament was a "actively used" or an option in the controller.

Right but the controller had wireless in it, which is against most tournament rules.

Not really, the bad on the tournament organizers was letting him play any games using his controller. Wireless controllers are against the rules. Honestly it was his bad for not reading the rules or checking before hand to see how they would apply to his controller.

The DPT vaccine is administered in one go, but it does include three separate vaccinations.

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