
Because they aren't over-pressurized compared to the surrounding environment.

They're just trying to get his goat.

That's a picture of Starfish Prime. From the ground. Exploding. 120KM up in space.

I really like that sound and I know I've actually heard that sound in real life somewhere. I want to think it was from my time in lumber yards as a kid with my dad (nothing like taking your 10 year old to work with you at the lumber mill).

Astronomers aren't finding things that "don't fit" the Standard Model. Keep in mind that the Standard Model refers specifically to a theory that proposes symmetries for electromagnetism, strong, and weak forces for quantum particles.

Everyone responding to this video seems to miss the fact that the reason why Miku was used was because of the MikuMikuDance (MMD) software that is readily available and easy to use to model, program, and thus integrate into this motion and AR tracking suite that he built.

Try comparing ratios of record highs to record lows over extended periods and you'll see that there is a growing tendency towards more highs to be broken than lows, and that the ratio appears to be trending towards more record highs and fewer record lows.

Unfortunately this doesn't address the degenerative effect that micro-gravity has on eyesight.

In Japan, all highways are toll. You buy a ticket getting on the express way, and have to pay when you get off, like how parking garages work, only instead of paying by the hour, you pay by the mile.

To be honest with you, the Persona series has a huge following that is very interested in this game, particularly because its story mode is an actual cannon continuation from the end of Persona 4 and has been said to be a lead in to a future Persona 5 game.

Funny all the people making fart jokes. It already smells bad up there. I think Cady Coleman was the one that described the smell on the ISS as sort of a cross being fried electronics and stale ginger cookies.

The viewpoint that causes this to be against the law on the basis of corrupting young children is rooted in a couple of things:

No way, if his parents had him on a commadore at 3 and a PC at 7 then his parents were probably rich and drove him both ways, and got him a cool transformers toy on the way home as well. Regardless of the weather.

Gravitons are not part of the Standard Model, they're a separate speculation based on the success of quantum field theory as applied to the Standard Model.

Part of what makes it appear unscripted in comparison to something like the Shuttle program is the nature of the cargo. The impact on the body of being in space for 10 days, and then experiencing a re-entry and landing process that never really exceeds more than 2.5gs in a controlled landing zone with support

Out of curiosity, what aspects of the Soyuz recovery and extraction process struck you as less professional than a NASA capsule recovery as per the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo eras?

Yeah, looks like KT kept the pre-existing arrangement Gust had with NiS for the Gust studio games.

Did some research today because the only thing that bugs me more than incorrect scientific data is incorrect scientific data that gets repeated.

Missing at minimum a zero on that time from for a 30' temperature increase. 500 million years.

I'll give it to you in case the read-the-article notes are bugging you: