
Thou is the archaic singular second person nominative case (you as subject), and thee is the objective case. You was the plural form (yes, being a german language we had a second person plural form, like Sie).

Yes, and that is the reason the shuttle program was cancelled and we are now developing the MPCV.

What's with the 46 anyways, shawnm? Was 9001 taken? Sorry, didn't realize your number budget was that low!

This is a weekly piece where they take a really dumb stock photo showing fake gamers and pull it apart.

I'm willing to bet money that the powder never ignited and instead what we've got here is a case of popping the bullet out of its casing.

The truth is that no one was worried about this launch that matters. The Unha rockets are liquid fueled (though there was some speculation that the third stage in this situation was a solid). A liquid fueled rocket takes a long time to assemble and tank fill.

Absolutely. But then I think the word "cure" is overused for many things as a large plethora of medicine (both real and new-agey woo woo-ish) is aimed at symptom management.

Concrete embankment. Apparently there was an opening somewhere that the dog got into and behind, but no one could find it, and it might have become covered or backfilled with dirt as waters rose.

Now playing

First, I will clarify. As you can see in this excellent video by Ben Goldacre explaining some placebo and nocebo research, the placebo effect is real, has an actual impact on physical health.

The placebo effect is actually real, and does influence actual physical health, but [m.dean] also appears to slightly misunderstand the implications. Please see my response to an excellent video presentation by Ben Goldacre explaining the placebo and nocebo effects (nocebo is placebo's evil twin) for more details.

One of the articles that you linked to claiming "that its effects aren't entirely due to the placebo" only cites one study which involved a 14 person group.

All my characters had really 'thought out' names, like my Quarians had the Given'Clan style, etc, until I realized that no one ever sees them. And they reset after promotion (and I'm working on my N7 rating so I promote as soon as I hit 20 with everything but infiltrator).

I'm assuming that by Golf, they mean it was a VW Golf, so actually calling the police would have meant speaking, which would have alerted his kidnappers (look up a Golf if you don't know what they look like, trunk should have been in quotes) thus endangering him further.

So so true.

While true, I would also take into consideration that PICTURES of her in both costumes will be going into my "special images" folder, I can appreciate that PAX organizers felt that the outfits crossed the "excessively risque" line.

As a consistent human vanguard player, I definitely agree with the hating on vanguards. For my first 150 N7 levels, I was horrible, a complete detriment to the team even though I had the highest score.

I'll have you know that the ME3 ending was so bad it KILLED one of my family members.

I GET TO PLAY AS A GETH?! FOR FREE?! Wow, even if I was one of those Bioware nega-fanboys I'd be converted.

I thought it was strange that the report cited TWO pilots but that image clearly shows a single seater.

Speaking of accents, I've always been a fan of Houchu Otsuka's "American Speaking Japanese" accent. Cracks me up every time.