
This is why I keep multiple pictures of dog turds in my photo library. Anyone that I would voluntarily hand my phone to knows not to scroll around unless they want an eye ball full of literal shit.

Excessive use of 'bro' might have been a small hint. :) Troll for the troll.

Additionally - peds are less threatening than cars so f yea I'm on the sidewalk bro.

Technology comes in steps. This is a step. Just because the usefulness or implications of this step do not seem profound or important to you does not mean they are not.

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking along these same lines.

The ATV vehicles also perform orbital re-boosts, with ATV-3 performing a reboost Saturday evening following the resolution of a power issue.

I think right now the selling point of phys-x water is its interactive nature rather than the overall rendering.

The objective behind Phys-X and video games is that it allows a more accurate physics simulation. Water, instead of water colored/animated flat textures. Cloth instead of static flat textures.

Just takes one, and if you're part of an NGO that China would disagree with (such as a pro-Tibetan independence group), be careful of MS Word documents or forgo MS Office for Mac altogether.

Try this — go back and play through ME1 all the way one more time, and make a count of how many times the issue of AI and it's threat to non-AI is brought up.

In the exchange with the Catalyst though, the Catalyst reveals that the intention is actually one of _protecting_ organics from Synthetics, because ultimately Organics would create Synthetics that will wipe out all life.

Milk, Butter, and Cheese were unlikely to be motivations for domestication. Milking began after domestication.

The finding eliminates higher pressure atmosphere as the leading cause of the planet being warmer than it should have been.

I would assume that there is probably a compositional component to Mercury that may be susceptible to vaporization or erosion due to intense heat or exposure to CME materials.

Anything with "Omi Gibson" in the title is better viewed at home. Omi is not compatible with work-time viewing.

Actually she was exposing her teeth. Wolves smell teeth as a social greeting, and the smeller is indicating a lower pack position than the smellee. That step was essential for her to maintain both her position as top of the pack, and the solidarity of the pack itself.

The other thing that nobody seems to be mentioning is the risk posed by structural failure in a system under 1,400 psi pressure. The resulting explosion would probably rival the fire in terms of damage and harm.

Yea even got 6 inches of snow overnight here in the valley, which is strange because even when we do get snow, it's normally an inch or two and it's gone by noon, AND it happens in January, not march.

You mean billions of years (it has approximately 5 billion years left in it's main sequence fusion activity), and Sol will not be exploding, it does not have enough mass. What it will do is grow into a red giant, eventually enveloping the Earth.

Gloves, the ultimate sound suppression system.... oh wait...