
It's the anaphora that makes it particularly pretentious. I mean, Gamecompany would be one thing. Agamecompany would be another if you want to add some kind of definite article.

On a side note (kind of a downer really, sorry) it's the alignment motors making the noise, not the laser itself.

If memory serves, you don't actually get the achievement until you beat the game. It popped for me right with Legend, so you should be good to complete.

Yeah, the only trophies I'm missing after my first playthrough are insanity, veteran (5000 kills), and the all single player missions @ insanity or all mp maps on gold.

While I'm obviously in the minority about the ending (liked it), I cannot possibly be in the minority about the multiplayer.

Korgan Sentinel is quite possibly the most fun I've had in a video game. Ever.

You sound like I did before I got my zojirushi.

Here's the thing, I hand-cooked my rice every day for seven years. I, much like you, took the attitude that "I don't need a machine for that.." until I finally got one.

I have a $250 Zojirushi rice cooker and it was worth every single dollar I spent. Perfect rice every time, it also makes porridge, cooks beans, has multiple programmable options and is singularly the best kitchen appliance I ever bought.

I play as FemShep. Jennifer Hale is one of the best English VAs out there, and I enjoy every single moment of her dialogue. Also, poop on all of you "no woman could ever accomplish what Shepard accomplishes" people. I've met women who could stand toe-to-toe with any man in a fight.

So ATT decided that after a month they'd finally send me a code for Super Stardust Delta after I wasted my money on their retarded data plan for the Vita.

Actually that section is a different kind of activity. The statement is made in Japanese, and then they must translate it into English. They are then given the components of the English sentence and have to arrange them in the right order.

Cite your sources for rejecting radiocarbon dating because the current scientific community still accepts that radiocarbon dating is valid and challenges to its accuracy and validity have generally been found to be incorrect or invalid.

Now playing

I particularly like this cover by D-ize and Jonny from the Goosehouse.

Retina display iphones have a display resolution of 960-by-640-pixel resolution at 326 ppi.

Yeah, I hate how everybody on a bike is a complete jackass towards motorists, and motorists are all such perfect drivers and don't ever do anything rude, reckless, dangerous, or aggressive towards bicyclists.

Yeah, that's what I took away from it — that kid was totally trolling his mom. Hilarious. That banshee deserves it. If I wanted my kids off the console I'd ask them to drop their lobby and come to dinner. If they said "30 more points and we win", I'd come watch, high five him and be like, okay ditch the lobby and

Yep, they're really that big. Of course, that's the EVA suit, not the flight suit they use during liftoff/re-entry.

Zombie RPGs. Sure, they may SOUND like they're dumb, but they know how to pack some black powder into a tube, shout "RHGGGAH!", which is zombie for "Ordinance hot!", and pull a trigger.

Actually they're offering "advance returns" where they immediately ship the replacement, as well as a return envelope for the Madden. That's why they want a CC on file, so if you don't actually send Madden back they can charge you for it as well.