
Actually, there's not really any role play at all involved in this. I would take the "rediscovery of european combat techniques" part with a grain of salt, but as a former participant in SCA combat tournaments as well as dabbling in kendo, there is a good parallel between the two.

No no, people that want one but don't have one yet are losers. People that don't want one at all are just lost and confused.

"Use Google maps to look up where Djibouti is. I bet it will answer your question."

LOL when I first read about the Bikini outfit that's the first thing I thought. She already looks cold enough in that halter top dress-skirt thing.

I'm not really sure if this registers as Visual Kei. As I understood Visual Kei was kind of a move towards an androgynous interpretation.

I can state, unequivocally, with the highest level of confidence possible, that your statement that "Vaccine Researchers" as a group do not vaccinate their children is incorrect.

Here is a video from Science Magazine the explains the observations from Spitzer that lead to this analysis and why it wasn't realized.

The Japanese have been doing this for a while.

Yeah, I deal with it on a game-by-game basis. I also platform switch between the PS3 and XBOX360 a bit, and one of the things that drives me crazy is the Shoulder/Trigger button switches in FPS — usually XBOX games will use the trigger for firing/scoping and shoulder buttons for utility. PS3 uses shoulder buttons

Mature wild animals don't tend to engage in play activity so I imagine the footage of "six years later" probably consists of a lot of boring co-existence footage that would only interest the more rabid animal behavior analysts.

"Warm up the neurotoxin emitters."

As a helpful note, in science, a "theory" is a hypothesis that has been repeatedly and conclusively shown to be accurate and successfully predicate outcomes.

As far as I understand the fuel and booster capacity of the Soyuz TMA, once you've dropped your lift vehicle segments you're not going to be able to translate between a 51.6 degree and 42 degree orbital inclination.

Best. comment. ever.

Old logo. Symantec spent millions of dollars on Verisign so that they could use their check mark logo instead. That's why they couldn't afford the 50k payoff for the source code ransom.

It's still more involved than a $20 estes rocket kit. You're looking at a weather balloon, gas tank, the electronics will require moisture barrier and insulation, you have to design or implement a recovery system that should preferably involve an altimeter so you can program a two stage chute deployment (drogue at

I am also a male, and that Abarth 500 add said to me "High Maintenance".

While I'm not a huge fan of Miku (prefer GUMI and Luka), I'm impressed with his whole Koi ha sensou (Love is War) setup in the corner there.

Statistically enough people are shot or stabbed worldwide often enough that SOMEBODY is going to happen to have a book, kindle, phone, breast implant or kevlar jacket in their chest pocket, and hot damn will that make a great story.

Really? I thought that was the most inventive piece of fan-service I'd ever seen!