
If Newt wants to take our space program from now to Moon Base in eight years, I hope he realizes how much money we're talking.

Thanks for the share!

Or at the very least, CRANES 100 YARDS DOWN RANGE!

This is actually a balance issue more extreme than anything WoW ever did.

The character image was commissioned by Crypton Future Media for the box-art and was originally done by an artist known as KEI. The character designs serve as a branding for the product, but if you have any familiarity with Japanese popular culture, you can see how the Miku image propagated from there.

An expansion on the previous responses for clarity.

My biggest complaint about science reporting is when the article, and particularly the headline makes blatantly incorrect and sensationalist claims about the research.

OMG I have to delete my comment now. aurgh!

The problem with discussing the probability of alien life vs. confirming alien life is that until we actually confirm it, we can't be certain.

What would your expectation be for SWTOR at release?

The part about all the SWTOR haters that confuses me is what their expectations were.

Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's likely.

What if someone unwittingly has multiple counterfeit 100$ bills in their pocket, and does the classic bill-swap maneuver of "buy a large ticket item then return for cash a few days later"?

Someone else will probably want to do the photography training and go up with gear. Before Mike went up Paolo was extremely prolific, so it's becoming a bit of a tradition to go up with good photography gear and the training and interest to use it.

ly000001 has it.

The Mayan calendar is pretty crazy — they were extremely interested in the stars, sun, and moon, and were already very mathematically inclined, and used a base-20 counting system (as opposed to our base-10).

The study was actually performed to examine how viruses make cross species jumps. Dr. Fouchier was reported in the media as "experimenting with Avian Flu to try and make it more virulent" ( Gizmodo, Nov 28 [] ) but this was a dramatization of the study's actual goal.

A Korean invasion of the continental US is logistically impossible.

Tony the fish!

Actually BVO is really the worst thing in Mountain Dew. While the statement that it's used in flame retardant isn't necessarily indicative of that, Bromine really is not the sort of thing that you want to ingest.