
As someone who has perused doujinshi of varying reputability I'm not judging the guy for his taste (well, a little, Nanoha is a little kid) but I think the real act of idiocy was carrying material like that (physically or virtually) into a situation where search and discovery is a possibility.

If he was rocking a なのは doujinshi I'm not surprised they're pressing charges. The search sounds sketchy, but seriously, drawings or not, the girl is like 8 or 10 or something like that.

Nice thing about having Monocular vision is that if I loose a contact, I can just forget about it and look out the other eye until I get home and can replace the contact.

That's a feature. Having spent time playing CoD on LIVE during the PSN outage, I can say that LIVE is a much more stable and effective network. I have so many issues, both in single play game connections, let alone the party nightmare that is PSN, it makes me want to switch back to Xbox as a primary console.

They weren't. The source article is about internet addiction, not online game playing. The researchers reference online games like Facebook games in their article (repetitive clicking without engagement) as a possible cause for one of their data points, but that was not part of the article findings.

Review of the original article abstract indicates that the subject group were self-assessed suffers of Internet Addiction Disorder, a Chinese recognized mental illness. A search of the article reveals only one use of the word "Game" or "Gaming".

I didn't but that's principally for two reasons:

Seriously. If there was a video that needs some "flight of the bumble-bee", that's the one.

Many of us will get both, and when the multiplayer thins out too much for reasonable match-making play we'll switch over to MW3 (never playing or finishing the MW3 single player campaign) and hate every moment that we're playing MW3 because it'd be so much better to be playing BF3.

"This is good M. Night Shyamalan material."

For a "high end" table, they've overlooked one important factor — those legs should be set in from the edge a bit. I'd be kicking that thing so many times, not to mention the bashed knees.

Follow up story we'll be seeing tomorrow: Man with car-saving license plate forced to surrender plates following Google litigation threat.

I'm a moron and I was utterly offended by all the moron insults. I mean I'm not just a regular moron. I'm the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived.

Let's be fair, while the Soyuz programme has been ongoing since 1967 the space craft themselves are not 40 years old. The Soyuz TMA-M is an extremely modern craft a far cry from the 7K capsules.

Biggest problem with evacuations is that the evacuation centers often do not allow pets, so people are forced to leave them behind. This happened in New Orleans as well and prompted new legislation in the US to mandate that accommodations be made for pets in the event of mandatory evacuations.

It is a little better on PS3, but the only reason is because PS3 doesn't make it as easy to have a mic setup. You have to go out and buy a 50$ bluetooth deal or something. They don't give you a free license to be a retarded 12 year old verbally by including a headset in the box like with xBox.

I'm assuming that "unlawful possession" means he had a little something extra in his pocket (or more likely waste-band considering this guy apparently isn't nicknamed mr-rational-decision-maker-guy).

The English double-negative rule is a recent (~100 years) addition and entirely arbitrary. Double negative syntax is extremely common cross linguistically and serves specific grammar functions in Japanese (which is the language the original quote is translated from).

An aerosol spray results in too much of a possible variability in dosage. The difference between an insufficient to be effective dose, an effective dose, and a damaging overdose is so small with silver that you need to have a very carefully controlled application method.