
Whether this thing manages to take off or blow up on the pad, it's going to be epic.

They can do this, and there are actually ways to get most of the image data that they pull down with enough digging. It's actually very common for non-NASA folks to do things like that with image data.

When I visited my friends in Japan a few years back, I was extremely impressed with their road engineering. Cliffsides are universally stabilized to prevent rock slides and debris blocking the roads (Cement boundaries or mesh nets) and there were hardly any poor quality roads to be seen.

Actually it is his name, written in hangul. Hangul is phonetic so it literally is his name (with Korean phonetics as a restriction).

The funny part is that the US tries to act like Pearl Harbor was a completely unprovoked attack.

Yeah SSME tank + the SRBs don't have enough thrust to enable the shuttle to escape earth orbit.

Actually this will be based on the original game, American McGee's Alice. I am not sure what "movie" you are referencing in your original post as the Alice movie based on the first game has not been made yet, though rights and project development have been happening for some years now.

I was in third grade and like many school children at that time, we had been learning about space for weeks preceding the launch. I was rapt.

It is always okay to not like a game. It's always okay to not like anything (a friend of mine recently advised me on why she thought Tron was a horrible movie, valid points throughout).

Having seen this game and played it both on the 360 and PS3 I agree that the 360 version looks better and plays smoother (I would have preferred PS3 honestly).

@KillerBeeTX: This is wrong, I bought it initially for the PS3 and was so upset with the poor image quality and performance that I sold it and bought it for the 360.

I encountered the Victoria bug and reset her using the Gibson Shack trick. Ever since then, I experience a complete game freeze/console crash about once every 30 - 40 minutes.

@BearsBeetsBattlestarGalactica: I actually trained mine and he loves it when I pull out the vacuum. Gets really excited when I grab the hose attachment.

The conclusion is based on a logical fallacy though that assumes exclusivity of source.

To clarify for those that think EA is charging $9.99 for this single content mistakenly — The $9.99 buys you an Online Pass, which as a result will allow you access to ALL DLC content produced for the title.

I brought this up with a co-worker of mine who is both a gamer and a few years out from service in Iraq.

@Elliot Carvalho: I was really depressed that they didn't provide any intransitive sentence examples, I'm curious if Koro follows ergative/absolutive agent patient patterns or a nominative/accusitive pattern.

Linguistic relativity is a theory that puts for that the language you speak constricts, forms, and in a number of ways determines how you think.