
What’s actually hilarious is the fact that you think the color of someone’s skin affects who they fundamentally are as a person.

No fucking intelligence quotient test has found any division along the basis of race despite a hundred and fifty fucking years of psychologists looking for that exact shit. Get your head out of the fucking 1940's.

It’s only “ironic” if you believe that Black characters worth rallying around can only be created and written by Black people, and if you believe that Black people also believe this, which is absurd. It also blatantly ignores the contributions of people like Christopher Priest (who is credited with creating the more

People are not created equal, but race isn’t one of those things that changes things. Wealth/intelligence/physical capability all vary person to person and family to family. Race is a nonfactor for that.

You went full racist, man.  There’s a point to be made here but you missed it badly.

What?! You created your account four days ago and have done nothing but troll. Felicia, you may take your leave.

I do absolutely everything I can to avoid you “people”

“TheWoot555555" is a racist troll (just look at his comment history). Kindly put this waste of space back in the grays.

By your own admission you didn’t give a fuck to begin with so, who the fuck cares WHAT you do?

You ARE our CONSTANT problems.

Recently a local reporter had a cop called on her because she was waiting for an interviewee in her car in a sub division. She asked the cop why it had to be escelated this way and the cop says “This isn’t an escelation.” Really, calling the cops isn’t escalating things?

Right! What the fuck was that about? How is using your family connections to set the police on someone not a problem?? So as an officer in Florida, your cousinwife that gives you that sweet swamp loving has the right to call you out even if it’s for some bullshit!?

Yeah, the cops aren’t even hiding it anymore. He basically told her that it was ok to use the police as her personal security force. Kinda blows the whole “worlds most dangerous job” theory out of the water when you see that they have time to “referee” a disturbance at the whim of every backwater Becky.

So, she calls the cops under false pretenses (claiming he was aggressive) and her cousin that shows up says that’s her prerogative.

I have a large ass. It gets in the way. I have had my ass grabbed in public, yes, and I’ll admit when something or someone inadvertently brushes it it does scare me for a second. But then, I would turn and see a kid, and not call the cops on him. If I saw his backpack, I would assume it was that first because

I don’t think it was a good idea of hers to give out her home address over the phone while on video. I mean come on.

Fun fact: Ananse isn’t merely a folktale character any more than Legba solely is a trickster, even though both have countless narratives associated with them. He’s also a very active spirit in countless lifestyles, such as an obosom in Akom, a Gede Lwa, even a divinity in Kumfu and/or Winti. We have songs to petition

It seems as if you’ve missed the point. That point being: Fuck “black” people who are only so when it’s convenient. 

I liked it only because it took so many words to show that you missed the point.  BRAVO!

Only people that mention President Barack Obama as half-white, are white people who need to convince themselves he’s an acceptable black man. He’s not racially ambiguous in looks or identity. The story of John Henry losses it’s depth if he isn’t US-black, African-American, or whatever form of black former slave you