Would this method work in an airfryer?
Would this method work in an airfryer?
So, orange creamsicle?
I get that. There’s also the attempt to mirror Peter’s origin with the conflict he has regarding his uncle. I believe that if they hadn’t attempted to age him up so much so they could pair him with Gwen, he could have shined a bit brighter and been more distinct in the 616. There aren’t very many early teen heroes and…
Yeah, that bothered me a bit too at first. I chalked it up to her reset, followed by the deus ex machina at the end...
The way I look at it was the Spinel was stuck, emotionally and psychologically. She spent 6000 years in arrested development with no outside contact or opportunities to grow and develop. All she had at that poit was joy, sadness and rage, much like a toddler.
Agreed. The writers don’t have a consistent voice for him. The film was much closer to the voice established by Bendis in the original Ultimate run. I think one of the issues was them aging him up too much when they brought him to the 616.
Be careful with these. I tried a few of their other cream/chocolate filled donuts and every third one was dry and unfilled.... Check your donuts before you leave people!
Nice column Nick - Thanks!
The real issue with getting pool/lake/whatever water in your eyes is that it’ll float the lenses out...
This was great! Anyone have an idea of how InDesign/Illustrator/Photoshop is being used to develop pitch products? Is a pitch document now a picture book used to evoke the idea of what a project would look like - rather than just the treatment or story outline? Asking for a friend... :)
Can’t we have both?
Still surprised the Girl Meets World only lasted 3 seasons...
Why oh why did I read that in my head in Obama’s voice....?
Yep. This is the ONLY acceptable thing that SHOULD HAVE happened in this instance. They should have interviewed the lady who called the police, determined from what she said that the young man had done nothing but walk down the damn street, and went on about their business of stopping actual crimes...
I could really see this working with Keith David as Night Wolf - only David recently played opposite Hart in Night School as his father. Missed opportunity here... Maybe Ernie Hudson?
Agreed, but these people were dumb and insensitive way before 45...
Never made that equivalency... just sharing my experience to say that I’m not surprised that many people who presume to be authority figures will abuse their power and assault/threaten violence against those who don’t participate in their rituals and ceremonies.
From memory/experience: I was threatened with violence from a police officer for not removing my hat at a high school basketball game. Black HS, Black kid (me), and Black cop. No anthem was playing at the time.
How does this work with services like Instacart?
Yep - found it. No cost/charge in GA. Watched Worlds Of Ursula K. Le Guin - It was GREAT!