
And is it nick-pick or nit-pick, or nitpick?

Now I don’t normally nick-pick, buuut - is this a sequel or really just part 2 of a two-part movie?

My wife and I went to see it last Thursday night - lady next to me chomped her popcorn up until “that scene on the bridge” — after that, there was complete silence until “that scene on the stairs” — there was a collective inhalation/hiss throughout the theater. It also helped that it was a late night showing/viewing

What turned you off? Was it the story or his writing style? I’ll admit, I enjoy his short stories a lot more. 20th Century Ghosts is an awesome collection of truly scary stories. The most recent collection, Strange Weather had very good disturbing moments. I was ok with Heart-Shaped Box and Fireman, but did not enjoy

Unfortunately no bodegas in Atlanta, but we do have quite a few carnicerias - and yes, I know this is usually a butcher shop and/or grocery store, the ones I’ve frequented also have some bodega-ish traits/inventory.

She’d be fine at FAMU as well. The campus life, from what I remember and what I’ve seen lately, is fairly diverse and I’m certain she will find a home and lifelong friendships there. The educators are top notch. But as with ANY of her options, what she gets out of it will correlate equally to her effort.

Brother your story sounds a lot like mine. I applied to college waaayyy before online applications were a thing. Everything was done by paper and snail mail. I requested an application from Howard - never got it. Went to tour FAMU with Upward Bound, completed an application for a scholarship and got a full ride. I

I feel you on this one. Really I do, but yeah, the current programming regime at SyFy has produced a few winners lately, including The Magicians, Happy, and Channel Zero (still haven’t watched the most recent one but the first two series were fantastic!) The Expanse is very good, and they were doing really well with

More please! My adolescent self liked this movie and my adult self doesn’t mind seeing it trashed. Keep up the good work. This is a great idea for a regular column!

Anyone notice that a possible theme here is that all/most of the male leads are essentially man-boys? Too self-centered to either recognize and be thankful for “what they have” or are emotionally stunted and react in an adolescent manner? Just an observation...

I get it, but must mention that the point of the story (book/film) is that Scott IS a self-centered asshole but isn’t mature enough to realize it and that he’s hurting people around him — until he “levels up” at the end.

That’s hilarious and sad at the same time. I hope the rest of the family treats you better...

Looks like it is only available for NY and DC - did I miss something in the article or has it not rolled out to other cities yet?

To me they tend to be less sweet/sugary than say a navel orange and share the slightly bitter tang of grapefruit.

Definitely Aunt/Ant/Aint/Antee or Auntie Kim. I ain’t tryna get beat!

Shadowcat Kitty, Sprite Kitty, Ariel Kitty, or adult Kitty?

Correct - this was significant because it had been several years since Professor X had a teenager in the mansion and 1980s teens were supposedly different and more willful than 1960s teens. I think the comics were still a few years off from launching the New Mutants. I believe there was some sub-plot about whether

Very good point. My wife and I were talking about just that. It didn’t make any sense that while in VR, specifically, during interrogation, that he wouldn’t project his OG sleeve.

Re: inevitable whitewashing comments - those familiar with the novel understand that this is not traditional studio whitewashing - so there’s no issue there. Those who’ve watched the show also understand that TK’s original/birth sleeve is prevalent through several flashbacks. Further, as stated elsewhere, if picked up

Thank you all for your responses. Just to clarify my question: in the Fandango app, users can enter credit/debit card information. Has anyone tried adding the MoviePass card info into the Fandango app for payment? I haven’t tried this, not certain if it would work or be against the terms of service. Just trying to