I didn’t mean to imply that this situation was exclusive of her politics/job - just to say that this society and narrative make her an easy and expected target.
I didn’t mean to imply that this situation was exclusive of her politics/job - just to say that this society and narrative make her an easy and expected target.
Re: Omarosa - In my opinion, a lot of the Omarosa-hate is fueled by misogynoir. Not defending her questionable choices for employment and possible political alignment, but it seems that it is easier to “beat up” on Black women than it is to “beat up” on Black men. The “narrative” positions Black women as nurturers and…
Agreed. I’d argue that folk who actually LOVE real music are already hip to Saadiq and his musical legacy. Granted, I had Instant Vintage in my CD (yes CD) collection for about three years before I really appreciated it. Hey, we all have faults. If possible, and Saadiq comes to your town for a live show - it is a…
Respect. But most of your examples are not geared toward a younger audience. Mostly Adult- Swim-type fare. The only way my kids get to see the Proud Family (ended in 2005) is on YouTube bootlegs and the sole DVD movie. Disney doesn’t have it in rotation on any network nor streaming service to my knowledge nor has the…
Well to be fair - I don’t believe any of the characters you named are significant beyond being side characters. None of them are leading - Afro Samurai as the exception, was from a direct to dvd anime-styled film from about 10 years ago. Despite Tyler’s use of profanity, I mean, it is Tyler the Creator after all, I…
You are incorrect. Yanez has Castile’s proof of insurance. He murdered Castile as he was reaching for his license - as instructed. The fact that he has a licensed firearm should not have been an issue. He informed Yanez that he had line and Yanez freaked out and fired because Black man + firearm = death sentence. Plus…
For centuries, theatre was considered a low-class occupation and one not befitting women. A lot of roles for women were actually portrayed by men - historically. So, like everything else, women have had to and continue to fight for equitable representation and fair treatment - even in fields that, by accounts such as…
A show just for POC? Really? So, the vast majority of all or predominantly white shows are just for white people?
That’s a very myopic and decidedly Eurocentric view of the past you have there. The “olden days” indeed! I’m not offended though, you’re just ignorant of actual history. Especially American history that insists on misrepresenting the past.
Evil is real.
Admittedly, I’m an old head hip-hop banger. 40+. So I’ve seen the evolution of the art. Hip-Hop evolves in phases. Right now, Migos and artists like them are the equivalent of 80's big hair rock bands - skinny pants, long hair, sequined tops, etc. You may not like them and want to hold true to where hip-hop came from,…
Watched the show - it was interesting but the lead character was a horrible and unlikable person. Not surprised it was cancelled.
True, but this isn’t Odin’s fault. ;)
I was think more along the lines of Obatala and Odin...
BS - road rage murder must be a lesser charge than hate crime murder...
There’s nothing wrong with believing in the invisible sky god. Faith helps some people get through tough things in this world. People on the other hand tend to be problematic.
There seems to be a lot of talk about gun ownership/use, etc and a lot of what ifs. But remember, Nabra was a minor, likely in the company of other minors. She couldn’t legally have a firearm, concealed or otherwise - in most states. I’m not a gun-nut, but I do believe that if an armed adult were there with them, the…
I Just posted the same thing — please change this asap!
Why does the title of this article say “captured” rather than “kidnapped”? This is a grievous oversight and is misleading... This innocent minor, a child of 17, was KIDNAPPED and murdered - NOT captured!
Yes! I was coming to post this! I tried it but unfortunately it was a bit unmemorable....