What’s the budget for the Rambo vs Loch Ness Monster film?
What’s the budget for the Rambo vs Loch Ness Monster film?
Who said rape? He looks like the kind of fella that is always consentual
Not a single mention of Eddie Van Halen. Bogus dudes
I wasn’t expecting Monty Python on Netflix
Or outtake that was result of Buzz replacing Neil’s Tang powder for laxative powder
Caitlin Jenner.
Someone buy OJ a mirror
Ron Jeremy’s iron hard... wait what are we talking about?
Should have kept the Frank Underwood character but got Kevin Pollak to play him as Christopher Walken
Can I still buy taint wipes though?
Suck it Trebek
Under Shill 2 - Dark Web
I hope he can afford to eat, he looks so thin
And none of them women
Replace Kevin Spacey with Kevin Smith
Gerard Butler
Steven Seagals America. Thanks MADtv