She looks like what would happen if Lil Wayne ejaculated on a racist bag of flour.
She looks like what would happen if Lil Wayne ejaculated on a racist bag of flour.
Listen, fun is fun, but if you’re going to interrupt your kid’s summer league game do it in the time honored and respectable fashion...get into a drunken argument with the official, before taking a few swings at random parents trying to separate the two of you, then storm off to your car screaming, “I’m sorry, I…
I agree with you so I’m battening down the hatches.
If your weak skulled ass child can’t take a dodgeball, maybe you need to send him outside the house with a football helmet.
Speaking as an educator, there are several things in play here that make me uncomfortable: Where was the TEACHER in this mess? Obviously there was something going on with these two kids- does the teacher not know this? “..The other mother.....said her son had been targeted before, and that she reported it to the…
I wouldn’t know, I don’t see color, only character,
I have anxiety. (finding your child after he attempts suicide will do that to a person) Pretty extreme anxiety. Like have to go find a quiet place and put my head between my knees and practice breathing calmly level anxiety.
“White economic anxiety”
Pffft. You amateur. I shoplift all the time and I’ve never been caught because I ALWAYS take someone with me I can fake propose to. If I’m really worried, I might also bring along 6 accomplices. You better believe we’re living large in free t-shirts that your insurance premiums paid for. The Man will never stop us…
There was no t-shirt. There was only racism.
Racists are so weird in that regard. They will literally cut off their own noses, fuck with their own lives just to stick it to people who don’t look like them.
Here’s some free Loss Prevention 101 training:
That’s a lottttt of energy over a t-shirt to end up getting fired over, sis.
He should switch his accountant.
Imaginary sexism is the worst kind of sexism