Black Manther

I hope we all see the irony in someone winning a “For Honor” competition in a strikingly dishonorable fashion. Not just the exploit but that after winning he shot off a “wow this was so easy, I didn’t even practice,” line. Honestly I’m half inclined to think it was intentional.

Years before I came to the United States, I saw John Singleton’s Higher Learning. The climactic sequence between Malik, Remy, and the police seemed dystopian then, but completely plausible now.

Holy shit. Way to super-duper dodge all the responses calling you out for being blatantly misleading and instead offer some pithy nonsense as a non-response. Ever thought about working in politics?

So no link then? I believe I read all the articles about her here and I don’t remember one that said anything of the sort. Maybe I’m missing one? I remember ones expressing frustration in how differently society treats the death of a white person at the hands of police as opposed to how it treats the death of a black

Oh muh gawd....That’s exactly what is going on!!! You have uncovered the ugly truth...that is EXACTLY TheRoot’s agenda. You nailed it!!!

Echoing what @Raineyb said, the city shares culpability for a lack of preparedness to deal with the violence.

Oh yeah? Who’s rolling?

Jim Crow never went away, friend.

As a White Ally, I just want to say I’m thrilled we finally made it here - The ‘Big Show!’ We started out as a dark horse, but we silenced our critics by doing all the little things we needed to to win. We’re now in a position where we control our own destiny, and we can’t forget what got us here - being offensive

I worked at the store level for GameStop for over 10 years. I actually just left this past May 2017. I left GameStop for this exact reason. Every year they show less and less care and concern about their employees. I understand that being a publicly traded company GameStop has shareholders they have to keep

In the name of sportsmanship, that was disrespectful. It’s alright for Punk to teabag his opponents, but when he gets styled on, he can’t take the heat. Punk needs to seriously grow up.

I quit last September and it really is an awful place to work for. Not only are the numbers always going to be ridiculously high, but the customers continue to be very rude. Not to mention very sexist towards female workers(if i said anything they wouldn’t accept the answer unless it was repeated from a male

“Many of our store associates and guests have asked for this.” 

I worked retail consumer electronics sales in my early/mid 20's. Straight commission, and I was pretty good at what I did.

Harley Davidson dealers used to act like this..... Some still do.

I mean, I could almost buy this if one of his wish-list destinations were not Minnesota.

Have you ever been to cleveland in the winter? I think its perfectly reasonable to want to go literally anywhere else. Its not just the cold, Im pretty sure its dreariness causes depression and Ive only been there a few times for work.

How did shit fall apart so quickly for Cleveland?

How did shit fall apart so quickly for Cleveland? Last July, they had just won their first championship by beating a 73-win team and looked like they had a bunch more Finals appearances in the future. A year later, Golden State has widened the gap between them and Cleveland pretty significantly, everyone and their