Eh, that’s like saying she wants to be an alchemist.
Eh, that’s like saying she wants to be an alchemist.
you get an upfist for taking up the debate from the position of the real victim here. +1
Let’s not pretend that genetic luck isn’t going to be a huge factor for anyone wanting to be a model or an athlete. Everyone who ever got to be an athlete trained, worked hard, and sacrificed to get there. Yet, there is still a difference between the field and Usain Bolt, Serena Williams, Michael Phelps, and LeBron…
Why not both?
Somewhere in Florida, a shirtless man’s psychic antenna stirs. “Hold my beer” he remarks.
Two takeaways:
My kids talk about this as if it’s an actual job too. I work at a college and we offer a Film/Video Production major and I said something about this to my 10 year old and he was like “So I could learn to make YouTube videos?” and I kept thinking how the department chair of that program would weep if he knew that’s…
I came here to comment on this. Nothing creepy at all about this.
It’s like the NRA always says, the only thing that can stop a bad shark with a gun is a good Instagram model with a gun
In other news, I need to expound on an experience I had this morning. I was getting ready for work, for I have been blessed with the opportunity to do so. I plugged in my flat iron. I put my finger to close and my finger got burned. It was an uncontrollable situation that I didn’t foresee ever happening to me but I…
Oh my god. Those stories. I fucking HATE PEOPLE. I would have lost my fucking MIND if I had been there for either of those.
I feel like don't swim in an area teaming with sharks is something you should just know.
While nurse sharks are docile for the most part, they’re still sharks. The only shark I’d be comfortable swimming near would be a whale shark. And even then, I’m not getting close.
I was in Hot Topic last week (shoosh, they have a lot of geeky stuff) and a little girl around eight-years-old announced, “When I grow up, I wanna be a YouTuber!”
Fun Fact: sharks, like dogs, usually use their mouths to grab things. So they’ll often bite something just to taste it and see what it is, and don’t intend anything aggressive or hostile with it. #cuddletimewithsharks
lifestyle model
“An uncontrollable situation” where the sharks forced you at gunpoint to get in the water???
Nothing stopping non-whites from swimming with sharks. Go on, live a little.
great, white people out here ruining everything - even basking at the beach isn’t safe from their caucasity.