
Agreed. I hate the tone of this article. It’s mean spirited towards something that is...fine. All of this snarking is exhausting.

Only Jezebel could take a story about a retired politician painting surprisingly competent portraits of veterans and turn it into another indiscreet whinge-fest about the election.

The liberal echo chamber is really learning its lesson, isn’t it?

“one day after voters enshrined a new era of white supremacist leadership in America.”

Sounds to me like OP was a male.. Rape is impossible right? That only happens to females. ...

I read the whole thing, missed the single line about that email from his personal account where you linked to polygon

Better be a Metroid game.

Didn’t expect Nintendo to showcase their system with an old out of date game? Lol. Must be new here.

It’s getting a remake in a few months.

The NX could flop and Nintendo would be fine. They have tons of money and they’re gonna be rolling in more when all their mobile games come out. I don’t know whey people always predict their demise...

Ya know, everyone loved the naked Trump statue with the tiny pecker. I get that women are marginalized more than men, especially based on appearance, but these things have to go both ways, right? It’s either all okay or none of it is okay.

Remember how that Trump statue was taken down by rabid sycophants? Yeah me neither

“Why are you sitting on it?” one man said.

Could you imagine the shit fit that would be had if this game was instead about Hillary potentially being assassinated?

ok but seriously this is freaking me out

I refunded my pre-purchase that was bought last night, and will now wait until a sale in the future, whenever that may be.

So much here boggles my mind, I don’t even know where to begin.

South Korea will always find a reason to be offended (especially with Japan) while at the same time be overtly offensive themselves and act like it’s nothing.

Since they’re done with Naruto.. Perhaps they can come back to .hack// and give us those re-releases everyone wants for PS2 games on the PS4.
I’m dying to play them all..I’d probably even take the time to 100% them all.

Ugh, kickstarter ... from people who haven’t done it before. I’ll pass.