
Good to know. I hope it lives up to the hype.

Metal Gear is a name that sells. A new IP called “Sneaky Zombie Killer” would not.

You can’t really know if they’ll differ that much in movement until the game gets further along. Most of the animations shown in this are very likely placeholder, and likely the entire model of movement will be continuously tuned.

I think he’s sarcastically pointing out that comparing a game that is in some nearly finished beta stage to one that is still in pre-alpha would be akin to comparing a freshly cooked pizza to some raw tomatoes and uncut grains of wheat...

Solution. Don’t buy early access.. I don’t.

It’s a good and smart word for good and smart Gamer’s, who don’t take shit from the incompetent ineffectual know-nothings who control the media these days and constantly threaten to destroy our way of life

In the end though, there’s just one question:

I asked you to keep our conversations private. Enjoy growing your unibrow.

How to be a Sony fan:

Take the character out of that screenshot and it looks near-identical to Skyward Sword. Which I’d bet is no coincidence!

they can both fuck off. ill be stuck at work until 3am in the morning because of these clowns.

Yo can I get a citation on that Yamask-9/11 thing?

They work without touching, but they work better when touching.

Wow, so you’re telling me that the plot did not advance in a meaningful way in a series with over 900 episodes of filler, where the main character has been 10 years old for nearly 20 years?

How is it 100% the players fault if they showed all kind of stuff in trailers and previews? Stuff like “players can see each other” and that “you’ll be able to seamlessly fly from system to system and even crash into a star” and dozens of similar examples (read the reddit thread yourself please).

All the production value in the world won’t change the fact that the Pokemon anime is not about narrative growth for the protagonist.

From a feminist’s perspective, Jezebel is full of pro-matriarchs.
