He looks (and acts) like the kind of guy any woman with half a brain would run away from as fast as possible, to me at least.
He looks (and acts) like the kind of guy any woman with half a brain would run away from as fast as possible, to me at least.
Believing in a “sky-god,” as you call it, and oppressive religious indoctrination are two different things.
Go back and read the comments on the original article.
This post is a perfect example of how Nintendo can’t win.
I hate to be the negative one here, but...
Like many people, they assumed that Brexit would fail and the status quo would be maintained. It isn’t very different from how many people in the US didn’t vote and assumed HRC would win.
Yeah fuck him, but fuck youself some too you might be so up tight. Good grief.
I wish people would leave him alone on this. That wasn’t a situation where asking for a hug made sense, and it’s always okay for someone to turn down a hug even if it is one where hugs are normally given. It’s also fine that he doesn’t know who Kesha is. They’re not even in similar fields of entertainment.
That’s a pretty big “what if”.
Don’t have a meltdown when the kids discover dimorphism and start getting really in to their respective gender roles and colours. Your little girl will almost certainly go into a pink phase, and you shouldn’t punish her for that unless you have an objection to pink in general.
I suspect one of the reasons parents, especially fathers, would be quick to reinforce the manly man stereotype in their son would be to prevent the inevitable bullying that comes when a boy wears pink shoes to school or brings in a doll to show and tell. Regardless of how equal parents may want to treat genders, there…
Shouldn’t you be using words like “themselves”, not himself or herself? What if your child identifies as neither? Or Both!?
>Guy takes umbrage with the whiney racism touted by a racist website.
I love the racism you enthusiastically express.
Obama was invited many times by Bill O’Rielly, but he was to chicken shit to appear.
Not really on the high side, if your figure is right. Average salary for a game programmer with 3-6 years of experience, according to this survey, is $93,581. Beyond that, and you’re getting into the six-figure side. I would assume that programmers comprise the bulk of his team.
Out of the 147 covers reviewed, 35.3 percent of them featured people of color, an extensive improvement from 19.8 percent in 2015. Slow clap?
And the Democrats fucked over a good man to get a warmongering shill for the super rich the nomination. You all aren’t much better. The only difference is the DNC wants to kill brown people if they’re in Syria.
Is he? He seems like he is mad at himself for dating someone who’s lifestyle and reality were a distraction and caused probable employers to doubt his comittment to basketball. Makes hims seem like he wants to go the celebrity/dancing with the stars route.
Well, they probably did get a degree out of it as well.