Did they ever hint at that? If not, it was you yourself who played you like a fiddle. Never trust the hype, even if it’s your own.
Did they ever hint at that? If not, it was you yourself who played you like a fiddle. Never trust the hype, even if it’s your own.
It wasn’t a holocaust, it was a social experiment!
Well played :)
You can’t copyright rules. That’s why people are able to make games like 20xx (Megaman), Shadow Complex (Metroid), or Skull Girls (Street Fighter).
Good for you are the reason why dev keep releasing broken game on PC. Have fun for a week until you realise there isn’t shit to do it this game.
And that’s fine but you seriously didnt take a look at battlefront 2 and be like huh... lets use some of these same elements and improve on a already working formula. Naaaaaah Cash Grab? Cash Grab. (fraudulent corporate high five)
I feel like the it’s the opposite IMO, rather than just releasing a set amount of new pokemon each Gen this feels like they are making an effort in trying to keep the original pokemon fresh and exciting
Lots of people having a go at the guy recording the video - and maybe for good reason - but man it is...so sad that people feel the need to bullrush a location like that just for a bloody Pokemon. I’ve got the game, I enjoy the game but, you know, it’s a game.
I loved the dialogue of the Ghostbusters talking to you. It really made you feel like you were one of the Ghostbusters.
A lot of games, in general, are tough for people with disabilities, like being blind, so what’s the true point of this article? Sorry, but there’s always gonna be someone who can’t play a game properly.
still in a public beta phase
Maybe its the same reason Rickon didn’t zig-zag?
Something you learn quickly in the PR industry is that any publicity, good or bad, is still publicity. This gets their name on the internet on media sites, like Kotaku. Which will yearn in support for them to fight Activision. Activision themselves is generally disliked by a large portion of people because they are,…
“Windows $10,000” has a pretty nice ring to it.
Did...did I really just read about clickbait in a negative way on a Gawker site? With no sense of irony? AND from Patricia? Wow.
Murder isn’t some “oh well, kids will be kids” mistake like smoking pot behind the bleachers. She made a conscious choice to take an innocent man’s life.
Can’t blame Nintendo for saying no.
Why doesn't this millionaire buy his own house? Why is he living in a crummy apartment?