
I’m no doctor, but I’d advise you not to let yourself get hit in the head on a daily basis the next 15 years. That and lay of the cocaine, HGH, PCP,steroids, and horse tranquilizers.

And now Kotaku has covered it which means it will be getting a Cease & Desist sometime in the next 48 hours most likely.

He just doesn’t belong. As much as I love Sabine, the cast needs to be all Brits for the humour to work. ‘Muricans aren’t funny.

British people are perfectly aware who Joey is. Matt’s no stranger.

Someone needs to create a competitor to The Sims 4. That game is a big disappointment and I would love if someone beat EA at their own game.

Pretty sure most Halo players with a decent lick of enjoyment of storytelling in more sense than “Be badass, blow up all the things” will agree with you.

So murdering a citiy’s worth of people in Gta is ok but this is not?

Because there is nothing to say about this, it doesn't matter. The game will still make a billion dollars.

The guys behind Wasteland 2 are trapped by US IP law. I’m not a lawyer, but my understanding is that if they don’t actively defend their trademarks then from the perspective of the court they’re establishing a precedent that could be used against them in a trademark case where they genuinely care. It’s silly and

This is the strangest console announcement I’ve ever seen. Announcing a release without anything about it? And it’s coming out in March, after the holiday season? It’s not even going to be shown at E3? What is Nintendo doing?

Why do people feel the need to point this out? At this point it’s the “Internet Video” equivalent of saying “I’ve never heard The Beatles/The Rolling Stones/Led Zeppelin”

Ahh yes because pretentious liberal, talking down to people and laughing at how stupid everyone else is, is so much funnier. Let’s be blunt, political comedy is only funny if you agree with it. Otherwise it just annoys you.

Yes, he’s cranked them out, and yes, he made 4 (4!) in under a year. But it has also been almost a year since the last real FNAF, and he doesn’t have a release date for this game, let alone if it still has the same mechanics. Basically wait until we can see what it is before we shit one it.

It’s really not a hard decision for the developers. If they want to sell more copies and appeal to a wider audience, than they should make an easier difficulty option.

Bring back picture annotations so I can immaturely point out ballsack-necks when I see them.

Care to explain why not Sanderson? Besides his constantly blushing female characters, the guy has some real talent and his fantasy worlds are well made. Not the greatest by any means but definitely deserves a share of the limelight other fantasy authors share.

You know how people are constantly complaining about “PC bullshit ruining good stories”? This is exactly what they’re talking about. Well-meaning and technically competent that lacks a spark of true passion because the creator was too focused on imparting a message to deliver the one thing he was supposed to, a good

If there’s spoilers for a movie based on a game in the game based on the movie based on a game that Sony doesn’t want out in the open—despite being based on a 2002 game that was turned into a 2016 movie and then turned into a 2016 game—maybe Sony should have rethought the game’s release date of 2+ weeks before the