
No. No. No.

Actually the wages are so low now which is the only reason there is a drivers shortage. Nobody wants to live in a room the size of a small closet for 5 weeks straight for what amounts to less than minimum wage when you figure in the actual hours worked. Fix the pay issue and the “driver shortage” goes away

Except that there are quite a few 1st world countries (Finland, e.g.) where public ownership of automatic weapons is legal, and one (Switzerland) where practically everyone has an AUG above their mantle. (The saying goes, Switzerland doesn’t HAVE an army, Switzerland IS and army.) The story of US crime is the story of

I’ve been saying this for a while but this whole “militarization” of the police was our own doing. Most people seem to forget the outcry after that California bank robbery where the two guys where decked out in body armor and enough weapons that make any call of duty character look like a joke. Everyone back then was

Um, which track? Because “the track” is unspecific, and there are hundreds of tracks.

Let me get this straight. America gets a reasonably priced 455 hp naturally aspirated V8 coupe and all anyone on this site has to say is meh, windows to small, no handbrake, looks the same as old one??? Man must be nice to have so many awesome choices to complain about. First world problems much.

Sorry I think this post is much less thought out than the Quartz article. Remember in today’s society 10 years is a long time for disruptive innovation. For example 10 years ago Facebook was a cute little website for college kids on the east coast.

Is the 6 million number a little aggressive? sure probably, but I

Insanely great.

Thank god they freed those slaves from being forced to be grid girls... oh wait...

Yep. And everyone said I was crazy when I kept saying that the endgame of electric and automated cars was to outlaw human drivers.

Except, y'know, how this is probably orders of magnitude less CO2 than would be produced by running a combustion engine in the cars.

I have to say that after reading this, I feel energized about the future. GamerGate gives me good energy, especially since I see how it's constantly mischaracterized by the left-wing apparatchiks currently in control of the discourse surrounding games. You talk of GamerGate harassment, Nathan, you and all your allies.

Not so much tank-like construction as built before crumple zones were figured out.

I owned a very nice low mile 1981 from 98 - 02 and I sure don't regret selling it. It wasn't a thrilling drive, but it looked great. Even when it left me stranded, which it did with some frequency. My point is don't kick yourself. As a car enthusiast, you would probably not enjoy owning it.

Publishers and developers care about the "average male gamer" because in the core gaming space, they are the ones driving hardware and software sales. The problem with "finding ways to make sure OTHER gamers don't feel excluded" is that those kinds of games are incredibly risky - no publisher is going to pour

A jacked dude is a male power fantasy, not a female sex fantasy.

This needs to be said:

The Social Justice Whiners can go just make their own games and see if anyone buys them. Until then, they can just STFU and leave everyone else alone.

Neutral: Would You Buy A Subaru? If you were in the market for a new car would you at least cross-shop it?