
Good article. I do believe you have really hit on something. The basic idea of a lot of riders is this.. Bikes are really unsafe - so why try to play it safe. This has a side effect of making biking even less safe from a statistical standpoint.

Agree. Believe it or not - nice luxury cars are actually nice.. :P

Ahh Jaloponik - make half your articles about how you can't get this or that model in the states - then make the other half of your articles about how a niche model didn't sell well.

Yeah old people drive Camry in NorCal - its usually golden colored..Old people love that "Champagne color" I don't know why. And they never wash them..

Mazda is not a great engine company - it must cost a lot to design engines..and they are small. Honda makes the best Japanese mills - then Toyota - then Nissan - then Mazda - then Subaru.

Charger/Challenger interior nice nowadays.. Those Italians have a way with interiors.. Also these are 5 passenger cars - so they are not 'one trick' ponies. The Charger is a full blown family car. Too bad they don't offer it with AWD..

60 K is not that expensive but it pushes the Challenger into 'serious sports car range' - which means there is a lot of competition. You can for example get a Corvette which is probably a lot easier to drive fast on the track or around sharp curves. This is not a challenger/charger bash - just a serious buying concern.

Well - faster is relative to the road.. I love the Hellcat but there are not a lot of opportunities to run it out on most roads or even tracks. A lot of real world speed is dependent on how fast you can go through corners.. With big cars you have to scrub so much speed off before hitting the corner that you can lose a

It's not Honda being mean or holding a grudge. The simply don't think they will sell enough to offset the regulatory cost of bringing it over. Any significant variations have to be tested..and it costs millions for them to bring this car over.

I'd think that a used Mustang is a safer bet if you really want a used sports car..

It does..check Car and Driver lightning lap. Its one of the fastest cars in the world on the track. But its very difficult to drive.

Dumb? They send you the bill later..if someone is actually going to die you would be wise to get the ambulance even if you can't afford it..

Z28 had a stick - that much harder in a drag race. If driven properly the Z28 is unbelievable on the track - it crushes the Jag, M4 and nearly every production car in the world.

The problem with Mercedes as a status symbol is it signifies your status as "old rich guy".

New cars are luxuries like cable tv or trips to the Bahamas. Smart Jalopniks underestimate the value of buying new. For a lot of buyers it equates to 3 or 4 absolutely trouble free years with the car in very good to great condition.

What are you paying for insurance on those cars you own? I dumped my Civic when I moved to NYC 15 years ago.. Insurance alone is enough to make it not worth it. NYC is so overrated if you aren't loaded - that's doubly true for a car enthusiast.

Oh our favorite mechanically declined author is at it again... As usual you are getting things backwards. Baby boomers get it - you do not.

Where is that white knight to tell us there is no such thing as a chick car? Yeah..

Hmm we need to hear what it sounds like with and without..

Call me a snob - but I just couldn't consider dropping 75k on a Camry engine... Both are about as fast on the track.