
I don’t think that’s what he is saying. Satire can be one of the most effective forms of criticism, and it does so by playing on truthful elements of that which is being critiqued. If the attempt at satire fails to effectively communicate with the [absurd] truth, then it won’t work on a critical level, and it likely

I’m probably not good enough, but neither was Doug


I’m your guy. I have 2 followers and my comments routinely get a star, sometimes even two. My spelling/grammar is horrendous and I react to constructive criticism with outward hostility and aggression. This doesn’t stop me from pursuing my favorite past time: calling people out when they make mistakes. Also, I’m

Doug had a Ferrari? Geez, why didn’t he say something?

No pants is basically assumed.

I have lots of amateur shitposting experience. I’m basically Doug already.

If you write something, whether it’s opinion or fact, you better be able to back it up. That’s what I ask of everyone.

fine fine, I’ll submit 2 columns for review

my application:
#1 I drive a miata
#2 I’m more handsome than Doug
#3 ...
#4 Hire me

Are you paying the new guy as much as Doug? Because I think he mentioned one time that he had a Ferrari.

Sarah Palin’s son-in-law (a decorated vet himself) tweeted today that Trump needed to apologize to the Khan family. So up is down and dogs and cats are living together, man.

When he travels he only eats fast food because he thinks it’s “cleaner” - that if a fast food chain had an issue, it would be a disaster, so the standards must be higher at fast food places than at random restaurants he might encounter on the road.

When I was working at my college newspaper, the college Republicans advertised in the classified section trying to recruit phone-bankers. It was a very casual work environment, which they emphasized: “Come in your jeans!”

mike pence’s whole life is one long GOB “I’ve made a huge mistake” face

I’m not convinced he says or does anything at all when the cameras aren’t on. He just sits there unblinking earning interest.

and then he yelled at a baby.

Yeah, I’m starting to think that if Trump actually raped someone in front of his supporters, they’d still be all, “Ha ha, he’s keepin’ it real!”

ummmmmm the fire marshal thing was like 28 hours ago

And yet, there’s an unshakeable core of supporters who will vote for him no matter what shitty thing he does or says.