
Florida Man Sees Article About How to Make Money Flipping Cars, Fails to Read to the End

They see me rollin’, they hatin’

So much torque, it’s the whole car that revs around the crankshaft.

3800 - That’s why.

You’ve been told many times now how the other systems are different: They require you to keep your hands on the steering wheel, are marketed differently and therefore create a totally and determinatively different impression and user interface.

Yes. And the driver and autopilot and autobraking watched it and did nothing.

I wish the Jalopnik staff cared half as much as you about the integrity of their posts. Thanks for doing their jobs for us!

They’re in the trunk? I guess this is why people prefer Rolls over Bentley.

Here, I just did the research:

Every time one of them breaks into uncontrollable laughter, I follow suit. Just the best show ever. May it RIP.

You’re making me feel really old talking about a 2003 as an “old car”.

I would’ve bought that judge a beer.

I had a seatbelt break in my 91 Accord (automatic seatbelts). The dealer wanted $1,200 to replace it. I got pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt once, and showed up in court for the ticket. I showed the judge my estimate for repair, told him I had installed a harness instead, and he let me off. He was incredulous

If you can wrench on it yourself it really won’t be any worse than a typical BMW or Jag of the era. Speaking of BMW, you’ll see a lot of BMW parts in it, since they had a pretty big hand in supplying the parts for it. For example, the climate control unit in the Arnage is lifted straight out of an E38 7 series, but

You have to ask yourself, “Am I capable of appearing poised and self-confidently amused when I’m standing next to my Bentley with its hood up by the side of the road?” Some people can pull that off, particularly elegant, slender young men and young ladies, but it’s not really appearance, it’s the leisure-class air

Wow. Check out the recent service cost, $10k. That owner drove 1200km so he spent $8.30 per km, $13.33 per mile.

Now playing

James May’s very first appearance, in season 2 of the “new” Top Gear, was about how the Bentley he bought himself ruined his life. I think my favorite line in it went something like “every time I look at it, it kicks me in the head and runs off with my wallet”. I can’t find the clip from it right now, but here’s fun

wherein you send me letters – presumably strung together to make words and sentences – and, in return, send you Doug.

We all know that “Hoyt” is really Tavarish. Who do you think you are fooling???

Having been involved in repairs on a 20-year-old Bentley, I would never touch a 10-year-old Bentley.