
"President ignores nations woes, spends time with mysterious white female."

Well Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs isn't owned by Disney. It's old enough to be in the public domain I think (not an expert) BUT Disney can't do anything unless they make their servers wear the funny beanies or wear name tags that say "Doc" "Dopey" or "Sleepy", etc. Prince Charming is too generic (I think) to

That doesn't mean "I don't need it". I can say that a 401k isn't on my radar AND still need to save for retirement.

Brother, I said "please". Didn't think I need to say "I KNOW ALREADY DON'T SAY IT".

"The question was asked, 'What could make a woman become so dark? To lose all sense of her maternity, her womanhood, and her softness?'"

Having not watched any of these people, it seems like there's a weird, triangular dynamic in play.

LeVar holds the keys to the internet's heart right in his hands.

Willow Smith looks so pretty in that video. Like, I am loving her hair and makeup. But she's like, 13 right? Why couldn't I have looked that put together at 13? I mean, besides the unibrow and braces and general awkwardness and not having multibajillionaire parents with stylists...

Thank you! I think the same thing is happening with "uptalking." You're just trying to make sure that the person you're talking with is following your train of thought.

People are not tanning to look like minorities. There's not the stigma with tanning that there is with skin bleaching and you know it.

It's a big deal because colorism in the media effects everyone. To ignore the effects of white supremacy in many of these places is just ignorant. There is history behind why people whiten their skin and relax their hair. Books are written about this topic. Classes are given on it.

skin went from chocolate brown to the color of your boyfriend's dirty sock.


Omegas are fucking crazy. A lot of these dudes brand themselves with Omegas in such a way that they can never be seen without the brand. A little one on the hand or neck, a big one on the thigh or upper arm or chest and plenty of dudes have multiple brands.

thank you

Let's just put this here and walk away. I got a little cringe reading the needlework too and think you were spot on but at this point your argument is falling on defensive deaf ears. I feel like "You're too sensitive/PC/easily offended" should have its own acronym with a translation attached "What you have said has

I would totally respect Chris for going from Gwyneth to RiRi - this has to mean that he is a truly democratic dater without a rigid 'type' since I can't think of two people (in the celebosphere) that are more different. It's a departure from the Georges and Leos of that world who seem to pick their girlfriends from

Um. Actually "the struggle is real" comes from activist uses of "The Struggle" defined as the difficulty and danger that is faced, every day, by those of lower socio-economic classes. So, she doesn't need to outline which "struggle" is being reference to notice that this phrase is being thrown around to mean