
She’s impressive in a way many contemporary activists. And I don’t mean that other types of activists do not impress me, but she is different from many activists in my generation and around me (including me). It’s a more focused, more other-centered and less loud activism which relies less on visibility and more on

#metoo You are so brave and I’m so sorry. I have kids though and they are what keep me fighting....a boy and a girl so I have one to keep from being used and the other I am teaching to be a good and respectful Man. So far, so good....but growing up in a house where my Dad ran a porn business I am 100% opposed to porn..

What the fucking fuck is this??!!! once again Jezebel makes itself out to be a parody of liberalism so sick and delusional it makes the psycho super-left characters on This is America look sane. Like go stick a condom filled w veal up your ass & eat it Jez. What the fuck is wrong with you??? The only good

Thank you for telling your story, and reminding the writer of the real-world impact of their cool girl bullshit. This used to be a feminist site, but lately it seems it’s swamped with male commenters and the writers use ‘feminist’ in the marketing sense rather than actually promoting the advancement of women’s rights.

But but its her “choice”so it must be feminist. You are just kink/body/sex etc. shaming. And you probably have vanilla sex sex too. Because don’t you know jez is a cool girl?