
There is no need for that. They will look back on this video now etched in the permanent record that is called the internet and realize how stupid they are. Imagine when one of their future children finds this.

I would comment about how he was so gonna score tonight, but then I remembered he had a seven month old. Maybe try to cash in sometime this fall, buddy.

Ive done samsung forever but they are ditching their SD slot. I have a galaxy Tab S and want to find a 128 GB card for it. Moar Stoarage!

Why would someone even bother with a merkin? Second question is, why do people NOT bother with merkins? It seems like a no brainer to me.

I have an android, but I thought they recently removed the ability to store apps on a SD card.

I can barely download new mobile games now because of limited storage space on the phone. The good games could be half of a GB or more. Even as I upgrade phones and download more apps, I keep running out of space. I liked the DS because I didn’t have to worry about that. As manufacturers remove expandable memory

Update: The other co host (Chuck Booms) is no longer on the show as of yesterday (5/8).

I have TWC and at any given time, half of my channels are “currently unavailable.” So I’ll be damned if I will give them one extra cent for a channel that may or may not work.

So what you are saying is, they should have give Black Grantland to you in the first place.

If you have to hire an accountant to do your taxes because driving earned you income in over 20 might be a redneck.

If you are no longer able to distinguish between double chin or a FUPA, then all I can say is...teach me. Teach me everything you know.

I must also add that this report is probably the first time most NE Ohio folks knew that Kiley said this. Most of Cleveland has completely tuned out of the Kiley and Booms show.

He basically pulled the same thing when discussing whether Mary Kay Cabot was deserving of the Browns beat writer position. Jay Mohr was their guest that day and Kiley asked him the same thing. Mohr replied “Excuse me, I didn’t hear you. Did you really ask if a woman could be the beat writer of a football team? What

Probably from all of the HGH he was taking

"Lady, I don't even know you, but you look like a million bucks." Everyone at the park likes me and my two daughters.

I got towed once at a college apartment complex after I went through great measures to get a visitor pass. I called the tow company, asked them to look exactly where the pass was supposed to be, and lo and behold, it was there. They brought my car back right away and apologized. I was very polite and never raised my

Is this how the map really plays out, or are the Cleveland Indians forced to occupy just a small, less desirable area to call their own?

Ill have to exercise more caution. Ill carry glory hole fresh wipes just in case

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, even if the same hand is giving others diarrhea.

Ray Farmer already suspended himself during free agency.