
Whenever Gizmodo isn't, it would appear.

Here's a question: why doesn't Kotaku or any other Gawker Media property bother to proofread their articles before posting them?

No improvements are going to change the games fucktarded premise. I'm having trouble thinking of anything lazier than "bad monsters from underground", especially considering it'd been done already by fucking Gears of War.

I get all my ideas in the shower. The rest of the day, I am comatose.

Yay! I can't wait to have my system settings totally fucked over by yet another half-baked OEM software package.

So it's the bastard offspring of Spore and Minecraft. Sold.

Bond looks really disappointed with his ride.

I'm so fucking tired of this stupid girl and her stupid spinning pictures.

Not-gay lace-up pants. Right.

What's not to like about concept art? Even if the game sucks, you can usually still get a good desktop background out of it...

Don't you get introduced to this through the Winterhold quests?

Yeah, the only way this would ever catch on is if it was a launch gimmick for a new Xbox console coming out this year.

I cannot use my Kinect. No games. That aren't petting zoo simulators.

Since I live alone and have mostly featureless cream-colored walls, that's a gimmick I can get behind.

That's actually really cool. When can I buy it and be disappointed by the lack of decent supported titles?

How is that going to help?

Jesus, does the rest of the world have to do EVERYTHING better than us? This is just showing off at this point.

Hotline Miami

Ugh, don't show me that. I love these kinds of mods but to get the graphics where I want them I make my computer cry. I had to buy it for Xbox just to quit fucking around with settings and mods and actually play the damn thing.

No, just that one.