
That's cool and all, but it looks like a good way to slice your finger off.

Or are software developers. Or nerds. Or both.

Why is it Ubuntu only? Shouldn't it at least run on any Debian distro?

Learn to read:

Um, no, dumbass, no he didn't. Read a fucking article for once. All the killings were with an AR-15.

"I don't want to explain to my son why daddy is shooting the guys on the television. Why that's okay, but when it happens in real life, people cry."

I, too, am selling all my video games, my house, my car, and my computer, to become a yeoman farmer, where bad things will never happen and everybody is nice.

Or you could, you know, just keep your kitchen and cabinets clean.

How do you fire one of these things without blowing your hand off? Or do parts like the barrel, hammer, etc. that will be in close proximity to the exploding ammunition get made separately? The idea I have in my head is someone printing out a gun like the one the mafia guy tried to use to kill Harvey Dent in The Dark

I was writing a little novella where a similar twist happens... For the record, my idea was a lot better. But now I feel like I can't use it :(

What cable series was that?

He'll fuck it up somehow. You know he will.

Well, After Earth is a bad example, because it's painfully obvious that the twist is going to be that all of that stuff happened in the past, and Will Smith & Son are going to be the progenitors of modern humanity. It's especially bad because M. Night's not just giving plants brains this time—he's fucking around with

This is the part where you realize you don't know anything about diagnosing a mental disorder and should stop being so presumptuous about it.

Wrong form of "it's". If you really don't give a shit about proof reading, just come out and say it, because otherwise you just look inept.

In the shown.

Sounds like a lot of piss in your eye.

I'm going to just suggest that in the future you don't use MSPaint to make gifs.

Yeah, and the woman in the picture is more attractive.

I think you meant "hang" not "hand and maintain", but with a total lack of proofreading of any kind at Gawker Media, who can be sure?