That iPad holder thing is pretty nifty too. Just wish I'd shelled out for an iMac instead of building a new PC for Windows 8. What a mistake that was.
That iPad holder thing is pretty nifty too. Just wish I'd shelled out for an iMac instead of building a new PC for Windows 8. What a mistake that was.
I'm really bored of all the "Mapspocalypse"/"Mapsgate" bullshit articles. Stop trolling for clicks and write something worthwhile.
Props to Twelve South for more nifty Mac-based ideas. I drive past their headquarters almost every day.
Do you have milling machines in your garage?
I want a car mount for my new iPhone that's solar-powered. Why don't people make these?
I love how every time there's a "controversy" around Apple, it's always hyped up by tech sites as A Big Fucking Deal, when in reality it's a tiny but vocal minority of nerds. Yep, I said it: nerds.
Dude, don't even try to make that argument. Having used the Dev preview, the Consumer preview, and then the final release through MSDN, the difference is largely cosmetic. Never mind that it toasted my SSD twice. There have been reports of SSDs going down after Win8 attempts to run TRIM the first time (about 2 weeks…
People have been saying "Linux is the future"/"this is the year of the Linux desktop" for about a decade now.
If we can build this, it stands to reason we could eventually simulate entire worlds in lifelike detail. And it stands to reason that this isn't a unique possibility. So it stands to reason that we may actually be living in one of those simulated worlds. Possibly it's more likely that this world is simulated than that…
I kind of feel bad for the guy. He will be remembered forever—in the form of a .gif of him hilariously plunging to his death while dressed like a wanna-be superhero. I guess it's better than being forgotten.
If the only thing you notice is the outward appearance, I guess so?
Wait I thought we'd all agreed to flip shit over Apple Maps?
Faster, better battery life, better graphics hardware. Gimmick. Right.
Neato! But I'll stick with my wind-up skeleton watch, thanks. Although, why you'd make a watch full binary instead of BCD is beyond me. Who has time to count all those blocks?
Oh, I misread that as speed. That's what I get for posting drunk I guess.
What if, in 2020, we genetically alter humans to eat out of their ass and piss out of their ears? Just because something is possible doesn't mean it makes a good premise, and it certainly doesn't mean it makes a good commentary.
If by interesting you mean "has a terrible premise" then yes, I suppose so.
Needs more sepia tone.
I love the style of logic the Apple articles take here. Change/Unknown -> ?????? -> Therefore, baseless speculation.
So let me make sure I understand this.